Michal Pietrzak


Construction Foreman
第2次大戦末期。ドイツ軍から脱走したヘロルトは偶然ナチス将校の軍服を発見。軍服を着た彼は、勘違いした兵士に将校として扱われ…。<原題の"Hauptmann"はドイツ語で「大尉」。 第二次世界大戦末期、偶然の成り行きと言葉巧みなウソによって将校の威光を手に入れた脱走兵の若者が怪物的な独裁者に変貌していく様を描く。1945年にヴィリー・ヘロルトが引き起こした実際の事件をベースにしている。>
Assistant Art Director
A dramatization of one man's rescue of Jewish refugees in the Nazi-occupied Polish city of Lvov. In Darkness tells the true story of Leopold Soha who risks his own life to save a dozen people from certain death. Initially only interested in his own good, the thief and burglar hides Jewish refugees for 14 months in the sewers of the Nazi-occupied town of Lvov (formerly Poland).
Guy Love
The former head of the Institute of Science - Professor Molnar, returns to the Institute to seek treatment for his heart condition. The new director of the Institute, and his former assistant, Dr. Egberg had a falling out with Molnar after the latter considered his research unethical. However, after waking up from surgery, Molnar makes a horrifying discovery; Egberg has swapped their brains!
A fifteen years old foster child tries to establish friendship with the kids of the family she visits for Christmas.