Don Christie

出生 : 1916-07-18,

死亡 : 1993-12-05


Still Photographer
トレヴェニアンの同題小説をクリント・イーストウッドが監督・主演で映画化した本格的な山岳スパイ・アクション。 殺し屋稼業から引退し、美術教授となったヘムロックのもとへ、殺された諜報員の報復依頼が舞い込む。弱みにつけ込まれ仕方なく引き受けたヘムロックは、第一の任務終了後に殺された諜報員が彼の命の恩人のアンリだと知り、第二の任務も引き受けて目標の人物がいるアイガー登山チームへ参加するが…。
Still Photographer
Something Big
Still Photographer
Joe Baker has a dream. He wants to do 'something big.' When he needs a Gatling gun to accomplish this, he seeks out a black marketeer. The price he wants for the gun? A woman! So Baker kidnaps a woman off of the stagecoach, only to find that she is the wife of the commandant of the local Cavalry detachment. Things get further complicated when a girl named Dover McBride shows up. She has come to force Baker to marry her and return east, as he promised to do four years earlier
Still Photographer
A former child star torments her paraplegic sister in their decaying Hollywood mansion.
Lonely Are the Brave
Still Photographer
A fiercely independent cowboy arranges to have himself locked up in jail in order to then escape with an old friend who has been sentenced to the penitentiary.
Still Photographer
The Nevadan
Still Photographer
A mysterious stranger crosses paths with an outlaw bank robber and a greedy rancher.