William Boston


Brad and Benny Make a Bet
Brad is the consummate bachelor. He is brash, witty and speaks with brevity, whether he is courting the ladies or giving advice to friends. Benny, Brad’s best friend and roommate is the hopeless romantic who’s fidelity is tested when his long time girlfriend Bri has to travel for work after getting a promotion. Brad thinks Benny is wasting his time in his relationship. In order to prove to Benny that there is a better way to live he initiates a bet to challenge Benny’s ability to bed more women than him. In time Benny meets Nina and remember what it’s like to share positive energy with someone. Will Brad win the bet and see Benny move on or will Benny faithfully await Bri’s homecoming?
Additional Music Supervisor
ウェス・クレイヴン's カースド
In Los Angeles, siblings Ellie and Jimmy come across an accident on Mulholland Drive. As they try to help the woman caught in the wreckage, a ferocious creature attacks them, devouring the woman and scratching the terrified siblings. They slowly discover that the creature was a werewolf and that they have fallen victim to a deadly curse.
1事故。 10人の生存者。 文明から3,000マイル。 飛行機crash落事故からの生存者のグループは、ゴビ砂漠の真ん中で失われ、救われる可能性はありません。 彼らの唯一の希望は、「不可能」を達成することです。plane落した飛行機の残骸を使って新しいデバイスを構築し、砂漠から抜け出すことです。 貨物飛行機パイロットのフランクタウンズと彼の副操縦士AJがモンゴルのタンサグ盆地に派遣され、キャンセルされた炭化水素探査作業のスタッフを避難させたとき、それはすべて始まりました。 このふたりは、この日常的な使命が生死の闘争になり、人生に対するすべての見方を完全に変えるとは考えていません。
科学的な探検隊が、ボルネオ島の深いジャングルに咲く珍しい黒蘭を探して、強力な製薬会社のグループに加わります。 この花への関心は、永遠の若さ、さらには不滅の秘密を保持する強力な物質を含んでいるという事実によるものです。 しかし、彼らはすぐに蘭がそのサイズと活力を高めるために巨大なヘビによって使用されることを発見します。
Devil Winds
A brilliant meteorologist returns to his hometown in Oklahoma to try to stop the biggest tornado ever.
The Toro cheerleading squad from Rancho Carne High School in San Diego has got spirit, spunk, sass and a killer routine that's sure to land them the national championship trophy for the sixth year in a row. But for newly-elected team captain Torrance, the Toros' road to total cheer glory takes a shady turn when she discovers that their perfectly-choreographed routines were in fact stolen.
David and Lisa
A psychiatrist tries to treat an emotionally disturbed teenage boy who has a pathological fear of being touched. The only person who can communicate emotionally with the young patient is a girl suffering from split personalities who speaks in rhymes and withdraws from anyone who refuses to do the same.