Camera Operator
夫と離婚して間もないメグは、11歳の娘・サラと共に、少し前に死去した老富豪が住んでいたニューヨークの豪邸に引っ越してくる。その豪邸は法律上あと数日は入居してはならないと決められていた物件だったが、販売業者のミスでメグ達は予定より早く入居してしまう。 その夜、メグ達が入居していることを知らずに、富豪の遺族の一人であるジュニアが仲間であるラウールとバーナムを連れて邸内に侵入する。ジュニアは屋敷に設けられた緊急避難用の密室「パニック・ルーム」に隠し財産があることを知り、屋敷が人手に渡る前に仲間を連れてこれを秘密裏に奪取しようと考えていたのだった。 強盗達の存在を監視カメラと物音で確認したメグはすぐに事態を察知し、娘と共にパニック・ルームへと逃げ込む。それに対し強盗達は、数々のパニック・ルームの建設に携わってきたバーナムの知識を頼りに、中から出てこさせようと様々な行動に出る。
Steadicam Operator
Shaun Brumder is a local surfer kid from Orange County who dreams of going to Stanford to become a writer and to get away from his dysfunctional family household. Except Shaun runs into one complication after another, starting when his application is rejected after his dim-witted guidance counselor sends in the wrong form.
Camera Operator
Shaun Brumder is a local surfer kid from Orange County who dreams of going to Stanford to become a writer and to get away from his dysfunctional family household. Except Shaun runs into one complication after another, starting when his application is rejected after his dim-witted guidance counselor sends in the wrong form.
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Jobe is resuscitated by Jonathan Walker. He wants Jobe to create a special computer chip that would connect all the computers in the world into one network, which Walker would control and use. But what Walker doesn't realize is a group of teenage hackers are on to him and out to stop his plan.
First Assistant Camera
First Assistant Camera
A young tomboy, Watts, finds her feelings for her best friend, Keith, run deeper than just friendship when he gets a date with the most popular girl in school.
Second Assistant Camera
Young T.T. comes from Chicago to spend the summer in California. He slowly becomes "California-ized," while learning about love and life in the Golden State.
Second Assistant Camera
Legendary stunt man, Sonny Hooper remains one of the top men in his field, but due to too many stressful impacts to the spine and the need to pop pain killers several times a day, he knows he should get out of the industry before he ends up permanently disabled.