First Assistant Camera
Isolated from the outside world, fifteen-year-old Lara lives in seclusion on a vast country estate with her father and strict governess Miss Fontaine. Late one evening, a mysterious carriage crash brings a young girl into their home to recuperate. Lara immediately becomes enchanted by this strange visitor who arouses her curiosity and awakens her burgeoning desires.
Additional First Assistant Camera
A group of women involved in the Women's Liberation Movement hatched a plan to invade the stage and disrupt the live broadcast at the 1970 Miss World competition in London, resulting in overnight fame for the newly-formed organization. When the show resumed, the results caused an uproar and turned the Western ideal of beauty on its head.
First Assistant "A" Camera
During the harrows of WWII, Jo, a young shepherd along with the help of the widow Horcada, helps to smuggle Jewish children across the border from southern France into Spain.
First Assistant Camera
After making a harrowing escape from war-torn South Sudan, a young refugee couple struggle to adjust to their new life in a small English town that has an unspeakable evil lurking beneath the surface.
First Assistant "B" Camera
First Assistant "B" Camera
1950年代のロンドン。唯一無二のデザインと職人技術で、英国の高級婦人ファッション界の中心に君臨する仕立て屋のレイノルズ。彼は郊外にある「ハウス・オブ・ウッドコック」で姉のシリルと共に、毎日完璧に仕事をこなしていた。ある日、レイノルズは立ち寄ったレストランで、若きウェイトレス アルマと出会う。会った瞬間に一目惚れをして、彼女を新たなミューズに迎えることになる。アルマの体に触れ、採寸をしていくレイノルズは、とても美しいと彼女の“完璧な身体”を愛した。しかし、若く情熱的なアルマの出現により、完璧で規律的だったレイノルズの日常は思わぬ方向へと進んでいく。
First Assistant Camera
Second Assistant Camera
Second Assistant Camera
Thriller charting the moral collapse of a police family. Two cop brothers, smothered by the shadow of their former police chief father, must investigate a crime they themselves have committed.
Second Assistant "B" Camera