William Sarokin


The Ridiculous 6
Sound Mixer
When his long-lost outlaw father returns, Tommy "White Knife" Stockburn goes on an adventure-filled journey across the Old West with his five brothers.
Sound Mixer
ディクテーター 身元不明でニューヨーク
Sound Mixer
Sound Mixer
Love Ranch
Sound Mixer
Story of a couple that starts the first legal brothel in Nevada and a boxer they own a piece of.
Production Sound Mixer
Sound Mixer
A saga centered on a multi-generational family of New York City Police officers. The family's moral codes are tested when Ray Tierney, investigates a case that reveals an incendiary police corruption scandal involving his own brother-in-law. For Ray, the truth is revelatory, a Pandora's Box that threatens to upend not only the Tierney legacy but the entire NYPD.
Production Sound Mixer
Sound Mixer
The Civil War has ended, but Colonel Morsman Carver is on one final mission – to kill Gideon, no matter what it takes. Launched by a gunshot and propelled by rage, the relentless pursuit takes the two men through frigid snow-capped mountains and arid deserts, far from the comforts and codes of civilisation, into the bloodiest recesses of their own souls.
Production Sound Mixer
Sound Mixer
In the present, artist Tom Warshaw recalls his traumatic coming of age. As a 13-year-old growing up in New York City in 1973, Tom hangs out with Pappass, a mentally disabled man. With Tom's mother battling depression after the death of her husband, the young boy is left to his own devices. When Tom develops a crush on schoolmate Melissa, Pappass feels abandoned and begins behaving erratically.
Sound Mixer
アルフレッド・モリーナが、ロスにやってきたスティーブ・クーガンに面会を切望。「今度休暇旅行にどう? 2人だけで」「自宅の電話番号を教えてくれよ」と迫るアルフレッドに、真意をつかめないスティーブは……。(『いとこ?』より)<ジム・ジャームッシュ監督が18年に渡って撮りためたコーヒーとタバコをテーマにした短編映画集。11本のショート・フィルムに登場するのは、ケイト・ブランシェット、ビル・マーレイ、スティーブ・ブシェミ、ロベルト・ベニーニなど総勢24名。第3話目の『カリフォルニアのどこかで』はカンヌ映画祭短編部門のパルム・ドールを受賞している。監督ならではセンスのいい音楽とユーモアを最後まで楽しめる作品。>
Brown Sugar
Sound Mixer
Friends since childhood, a magazine editor and a hip-hop record executive stumble into romantic territory.
Return to Paradise
Sound Mixer
Lewis, Sheriff and Tony are three friends vacationing in Malaysia. Sheriff and Tony eventually leave to pursue careers in New York, but Lewis stays behind to work with orangutans. Two years later, Sheriff and Tony learn that, because of their past actions, Lewis has been arrested for drug possession. With Lewis facing a death sentence, the friends are left with a difficult decision: return to Malaysia and split Lewis' sentence, or let him die.
Big Night
Sound Mixer
Primo and Secondo, two immigrant brothers, pin their hopes on a banquet honoring Louis Prima to save their struggling restaurant.
The Night We Never Met
Sound Mixer
Sam has a problem with his roommates: they are disgusting, and don't seem to share his views on responsibility, privacy, and basic hygine. Such is his discomfort with his living arrangements that he agrees to share the occupancy of another flat: he gets two nights a week, the owner (a sleazy frat-boy yuppie named Brian, soon to be married) and Ellen (a would-be painter seeking relief from her boring marriage) each get their seperate nights in the flat. Things go extremely well until Sam and Brian swap nights without telling Ellen, who attributes the "nice" things that happen around the place to the slob Brian, while berating the responsible Sam for his hedonistic lifestyle.
Dinner at Eight
Sound Mixer
Society matron Millicent Jordan arranges a dinner party to honor some visiting aristocrat oblivious to the health and financial problems of her husband.
Prisoners of Inertia
Sound Mixer
A romantic comedy of misadventure.
Perfect Strangers
A hit-man tries to seduce the mother of a child who witnessed his most recent kill.