Vonda K. Morris


Insecure: The End
A documentary which follows the cast and crew of HBO’s Insecure throughout the filming of the final season, tracing the show’s cultural impact.
The Lovebirds
Makeup Artist
A couple experiences a defining moment in their relationship when they are unintentionally embroiled in a murder mystery. As their journey to clear their names takes them from one extreme – and hilarious - circumstance to the next, they must figure out how they, and their relationship, can survive the night.
The Lovebirds
Makeup Department Head
A couple experiences a defining moment in their relationship when they are unintentionally embroiled in a murder mystery. As their journey to clear their names takes them from one extreme – and hilarious - circumstance to the next, they must figure out how they, and their relationship, can survive the night.
ドント・レット・ゴー -過去からの叫び-
Makeup Department Head
グリンゴ 最強の悪運男
Makeup Artist
製薬会社の管理部長としてシカゴ本社とメキシコ工場を行き来し、朝から晩までマジメに働いたのに、もうすぐクビに! 友達だったはずの経営者に騙された上に、最愛の妻にまで離婚される始末・・・ 。パッとしない負け犬人生を歩んではきたけれど、さすがにこれほどのどん底は初めてのハロルドは、極悪モンスター上司のリチャードと、彼の愛人で共同経営者のエレーンへのリベンジを誓う。メキシコで〈偽装誘拐〉を演じ、身代金5億円を奪うという、生涯初の悪事を企てたのだ。ところが、ハロルドが死ねば、会社に保険金が入ることに気づいたリチャードは殺し屋を雇う。さらに、リチャードの会社の医療大麻の製造レシピを狙うメキシコの麻薬組織のボスが、ハロルドの〈本気の誘拐〉に参戦! 果たして、貯めに貯めた悪運を爆発させた、ハロルドの一発大逆転の切り札とは?
Five Nights in Maine
Makeup Department Head
A young African American man, reeling from the tragic loss of his wife, travels to rural Maine to seek answers from his estranged mother-in-law, who is herself confronting guilt and grief over her daughter's death.
Middle of Nowhere
Makeup Department Head
When her husband is sentenced to eight years in prison, Ruby drops out of medical school in order to focus on her husband's well-being while he's incarcerated - leading her on a journey of self-discovery in the process.
Makeup Artist
ルーベンが悪名高いウィリー・バンクに裏切られ、そのショックで心筋梗塞で倒れたと聞き、ダニー・オーシャンは急遽ラスベガスへやってくる。 裏稼業からは足を洗っていたオーシャンだったが、バンクの経営するカジノホテル“バンク”への報復計画を練り上げ、また、ルーベンが倒れたと聞いて同じくやってきた仲間たちと共に、カジノ強盗計画を遂行する。 オーシャンたちは数ヵ月後にあるホテル“バンク”のプレオープンを狙う計画だが、高性能セキュリティコンピュータ“グレコ”などの最新鋭セキュリティが計画を阻む。さらに、予期していない問題が起こり始め、ついには仇敵、テリー・ベネディクトに協力を求める。
Makeup Artist
When a young African-American woman brings her fiancé home to meet her parents, she's neglected to mention one tiny detail - he's white.
Makeup Artist
ウエディング・シンガーとして働くロビーは、自分自身も恋人リンダとの結婚を控え、幸せな日々を送っていた。ところが、結婚式の当日、牧師の前で待つロビーの元にリンダは現れず、結婚は取りやめになってしまう。リンダは、ウエディング・シンガーではなく、ミュージシャンとして自分のバンドで活動していた頃のロビーを愛していると告げ、去ってしまう。 すっかり落ち込んだロビーは自暴自棄になり、仕事中もトラブルを起こす始末。そんな時にウェイトレスのジュリアに力づけられ、彼女自身の結婚式の準備を手伝うようになり、少しずつ互いに惹かれるようになる。ある日ロビーは、ジュリアのフィアンセであるグレンが平気で浮気をするような男と知り、行動を起こす。
The Gingerbread Man
Key Makeup Artist
Savannah lawyer Rick Magruder is at a party celebrating his courtroom victory defending a cop killer when a member of the catering staff, Mallory Doss, discovers her car has been stolen. Having had a few drinks, Magruder offers to give her a lift home, a decision that turns into a one night stand. Rick soon learns that her nut-case father, Dixon, seems to have begun threatening her again. Rick puts the force of his law firm behind Mallory, who he barely knows, has Dixon picked up by the police, and subpoenas the girl's belligerent ex-husband, Pete, to testify against the old man. Dixon is put away in an asylum. However, he soon escapes, putting the lives of everyone who conspired against him in jeopardy.
Somebody to Love
Makeup & Hair Assistant
Mercedes is a taxi dancer who wants to be an actress. She's involved with the married Harry, who considers himself a respected actor. Ernesto is in love with Mercedes, but he doesn't dance or have money.
Surviving the Game
Key Makeup Artist
A homeless man is hired as a survival guide for a group of wealthy businessmen on a hunting trip in the mountains, unaware that they are killers who hunt humans for sport, and that he is their new prey.
Surviving the Game
Key Hair Stylist
A homeless man is hired as a survival guide for a group of wealthy businessmen on a hunting trip in the mountains, unaware that they are killers who hunt humans for sport, and that he is their new prey.