Ted Koch

Ted Koch


Ted Koch


Cold Souls
INS Officer
Paul is agonising over his interpretation of 'Uncle Vanya' and, paralysed by anxiety, stumbles upon a solution via a New Yorker article about a high-tech company promising to alleviate suffering by extracting souls. He enlists their services—only to discover that his soul is the shape and size of a chickpea.
An Englishman in New York
US Immigration Officer
Biographical drama based on the last 20 years of Crisp's life. The literary figure and gay iconoclast emigrated to New York in 1981 and lived there until his death. The film observes Crisp in both his public and private lives, from his seemingly cavalier response to the outbreak of AIDS to his tender relationship with his friend Patrick Angus and his own response to growing old.
Bittersweet explores the evolution of love and takes a long hard look at the underlying forces that often bring people together while just as often break them apart.
Griffin & Phoenix
Cop #2
A terminally ill man falls in love with a woman who has a secret that threatens their time spent together.
BATF Agent Bob Sneed
全米を恐怖に陥れた「バッファロー・ビル事件」から10年……。 ボルチモアの大富豪メイスン・ヴァージャー(ゲイリー・オールドマン)は、刑務所から脱獄したハンニバル・レクター(アンソニー・ホプキンズ)の行方を追っていた。当時レクターと接触していたFBI特別捜査官クラリス・スターリング(ジュリアン・ムーア)は、リッチモンド (バージニア州)の麻薬捜査で多数の犠牲者を出したことで遺族から告訴されていた。政財界に絶大な影響力をもつメイスンは、マスコミの報道でクラリスの存在を知り、司法省のポール・クレンドラー(レイ・リオッタ)を利用し、クラリスをレクターの捜査に復帰させようと目論む。 そして、10年前にボルティモアの精神病院から脱獄したレクターは、イタリアのフィレンツェに潜伏していた。
Dinner Rush
Bar Patron
One unlucky evening, Louis Cropa, a part-time bookmaker, discovers that his restaurant has become a hotbed of conflicting characters. In addition to having to please a whiny food critic, Louis must fend off a hostile takeover from a pair of gangsters, to whom his sous-chef is in debt. Further, Louis has an argument with his son, the star chef, whose culinary creativity has brought success to the business.
Death of a Salesman
Happy Loman
An aging salesman is fired from his job after a long career in it. Broken, without much to look forward to, he tries reconnecting with his wife and kids who he had always put down as he dedicated himself to work.