Jason Perreira


Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A Brand New You
Sound Mixer
Grieving young widower Santiago convinces his landlord - a disgraced biochemist with a serious hygiene problem - to help him clone his dead wife, using their female housemate as a surrogate mother.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
17歳の女子高生エリッサは母サラとともにシカゴから郊外の一軒家に引っ越して来る。その家は、4年前に隣家でキャリー・アンという少女が両親を惨殺した事件が起きたため、安く借りることができたのだ。問題の隣家には、今はキャリー・アンの兄で幼い頃から伯母に育てられていたライアンが1人で暮らしているが、ライアンは周囲から変人と見られ、孤立していた。 ある夜、ふとしたことからエリッサはライアンと知り合う。もの静かで音楽の趣味の合うライアンに惹かれたエリッサは、母サラの反対を無視して、ライアンと付き合うようになる。しかし、ライアンには秘密があった。実は4年前の事件後、失踪したことになっているキャリー・アンを密かに地下室に閉じ込め、面倒を見ていたのだ。キャリー・アンは幼い頃、ブランコから落ちて頭を打ったことから精神に異常を来すようになったのだが、その事故の原因が自分にあると思っているライアンは罪悪感からキャリー・アンを匿っていたのだ。ところがある夜、キャリー・アンが地下室から逃げ出す。ライアンは必死にキャリー・アンを取り押さえるが、はずみで彼女を死なせてしまう。ライアンはキャリー・アンの遺体を始末する。
Silent Cargo
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A group of illegal immigrants are smuggled across the ocean in a shipping container; only to have their humanity tested as they run out of food, water and air.
Fairfield Road
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Noah McManus is leaving his job with the Boston mayor's office for a dream gig in Washington, D.C. But in a single day, he finds out his new boss in Washington can no longer employ him and that his girlfriend has been cheating on him. Devastated, Noah travels to a quaint Cape Cod town and unexpectedly finds himself at home.
She Said Lenny
Mixing Engineer
A woman is meeting her online crush for the first time in person. Will her date be everything she is expecting?
Pig Hunt
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
When John takes his San Francisco friends to his deceased uncle's remote ranch to hunt wild pigs, it seems like a typical guys weekend with guns - despite the presence of John's sexy girlfriend Brooks. But as John and his crew trek deeper into the forest, they begin tracking the awful truth about his uncle's demise and the legend of The Ripper -- a murderous three-thousand-pound black boar!
Sound Re-Recording Assistant
A fictional documentary discusses the effects the Iraq war has had on soldiers and local people through interviews with members of an American military unit, the media, and local Iraqis.
The Sadness of Johnson Joe Jangles
Recording Supervision
Two male lovers attempt to start a family in the Wild West.