Zane Lasky


Audio Man
視聴率低下を気に悩んでノイローゼになった、ニュース番組の司会者ビール。しかし彼が番組中に自殺予告をしたことで、視聴率はどんどん上がっていき!? 大手テレビ局を舞台に悪戦苦闘する人間たちの姿を、社会派シドニー・ルメットが鋭く描く。
Hester Street
A Russian emigre prides himself on the way he's molded himself into a real Yankee in the USA, though the world he lives in, New York's Lower East Side in the late 19th century, is almost exclusively populated by other Jewish immigrants. When his wife finally arrives in the New World, however, she has a lot of assimilating to do.