Alexandre Hernandez


The Disappearance?
Sound Editor
Mathieu Sapin, a successful comic books author (Gérard, cinq années dans les pattes de Depardieu), creates an album to mark the fortieth anniversary of François Mitterand’s election. He turns to the figures in the shadows of the Socialist Party, in the forefront of which is Julien Dray known as the “Baron Noir”. Through anecdotes and firsthand accounts of those who spent time in the highest spheres of the French state since 1981, Mathieu Sapin attempts to answer the big question: “who killed the French left?”.
Shut In
Sound Editor
A widowed child psychologist lives in an isolated existence in rural New England. When caught in a deadly winter storm, she must find a way to rescue a young boy before he disappears forever.
トランスポーター イグニション
Supervising Sound Editor
Sound Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
Set around a wife and husband on vacation in Morocco with the wife plotting to murder her husband with help from her lover. The plan goes terribly wrong when her lover and husband get into a terrible car accident on a remote desert road. They escape the multi-car pileup at a desert intersection and encounter the group of survivors, including a wanted smuggler, an undercover cop, a kidnapper, a baby and an unconscious Australian. They embark on a journey of deceit and revelation that culminates in a Tangiers souk.
Assistant Sound Editor
A veteran-turned-mercenary is hired to take a young woman with a secret from post-apocalyptic Eastern Europe to New York City.
Thinning the Herd
Sound Editor
A mysterious confrontation arises as a woman is surprised by a man, waiting in her home.
Thinning the Herd
Boom Operator
A mysterious confrontation arises as a woman is surprised by a man, waiting in her home.
Assistant Sound Editor
自分に課した3つのルールを厳格に守りつつ犯罪すれすれの運び屋家業を続けるフランク。ある日いつものように運び屋の依頼が舞い込む。指定された時刻に指定重量のバッグを運ぶ。簡単ないつもの仕事のはずだったが、車のパンクを修理する途中バッグが動きだし中から声がするのを見つけ不審感がぬぐえなくなったフランクはついに自分に課したルール「荷の中身は見ない」を破り バッグを開けてしまうと中からはアジア人の美女があわられるのだった。