The summer before college, bright-yet-irreverent Elliott comes face-to-face with her older self during a mushroom trip. The encounter spurs a funny and heartfelt journey of self-discovery and first love as Elliott prepares to leave her childhood home.
Reality Winner was a former American intelligence specialist. She was given the longest sentence ever for the unauthorized release of government information to the media for leaking an intelligence report about Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections via an email phishing operation.
NYでラジオジャーナリストとして1人で暮らすジョニーは、妹から頼まれ、9歳の甥・ジェシーの面倒を数日間みることに。LAの妹の家で突然始まった共同生活は、戸惑いの連続。好奇心旺盛なジェシーは、ジョニーのぎこちない兄妹関係やいまだ 独身でいる理由、自分の父親の病気に関する疑問をストレートに投げかけ、ジョニーを困らせる一方で、ジョニーの仕事や録 音機材に興味を示し、二人は次第に距離を縮めていく。仕事のため NYに戻ることになったジョニーは、ジェシーを連れて行く ことを決めるが...
Two con artists have spent 26 years training their only daughter to swindle, scam and steal at every turn. During a desperate and hastily conceived heist, they charm a stranger into joining them, only to have their entire world turned upside down.
A woman named Kit moves back to her parent's house, where she receives a mysterious invitation that would fulfill her childhood dreams.
Olivia and Matthew Grey, 18-year-old twins born into a world of privilege and high expectations. There are almost no boundaries between them - even their dreams are connected.
First Assistant Editor
First Assistant Editor
In this captivating Depression-era melodrama, impetuous veterinary student Jacob Jankowski joins a celebrated circus as an animal caretaker but faces a wrenching dilemma when he's transfixed by angelic married performer Marlena.
Assistant Editor