Joe Divitale


Foley Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Lestat de Lioncourt is awakened from his slumber. Bored with his existence, he has now become this generation's new Rock God. While in the course of time, another has arisen, Akasha, the Queen of the Vampires and the Dammed. He wants immortal fame, his fellow vampires want him eternally dead for his betrayal, and the Queen wants him for her King. Who will be the first to reach him? Who shall win?
Dude, Where's My Car?
Sound Effects Editor
Two stoners wake up after a night of partying and cannot remember where they parked their car.
Sound Effects Editor
Chill Factor
Sound Effects Editor
A store clerk and an ice cream truck driver are thrown together when a dying scientist entrusts them with a deadly chemical kept in ice. This chemical will kill every living thing once it melts. They have to take the chemical codenamed 'Elvis' to the next nearest military base while being chased by terrorists who want it to hold the country for ransom.
Sound Effects Editor
Kissing a Fool
Sound Editor
An egotistical television personality enlists the assistance of his best friend in putting the fidelity of his fiancé to the test in this amiable comedy of the sexes. Told in flashback, the film takes a familiar love-triangle scenario and gives it a bitter twist. With a bride who seems too good for either suitor, the film is sustained by one question - who will she choose?
Sound Effects Editor
 縄張り争いが激化する'50年代のロス。街のコーヒーショップで元刑事を含む6人の男女が惨殺される事件が発生した。殺された刑事の相棒だった バドが捜査を開始。殺された女と一緒にいたブロンド美人リンに接近する。彼女はスターに似た女を集めた高級娼婦組織の一員。同じ頃、その組織をベテラン刑事のジャックが追っていた。野心家の若手刑事エドも事件を追い、容疑者を射殺。事件は解決したかに見えたが……。
Sound Editor
Sound Effects Editor
2人の白人青年に暴行を受けた黒人 少女の父親カールは自ら犯人を射殺する。陪審員全員が白人という圧倒的にカールに不利な状況の中、彼を助けるべく若き弁護士が立ち上がる。J.グリシャム原作の映画化。