Lizzie McGovern


Assistant Costume Designer
ワイルド・レンジ 最後の銃撃
Assistant Costume Designer
A former gunslinger is forced to take up arms again when he and his cattle crew are threatened by a corrupt lawman.
The Adventures of Pluto Nash
Assistant Costume Designer
The year is 2087, the setting is the moon. Pluto Nash, the high-flying successful owner of the hottest nightclub in the universe, finds himself in trouble when he refuses to sell his club to lunar gangster Mogan, who just happens to be helping the mysterious Rex Crater mastermind a plan to take over the entire moon.
The Investigation
Costume Design
Tells the true story of a bungled and obstructed police manhunt for a serial killer who could and should have been imprisoned after his first crime. Two young RCMP officers, each separately investigating a rape and murder, captured the culprit, but because of legal red tape, jurisdictional chaos and incompetence, the suspect was allowed to continue his rampage until he was finally arrested and imprisoned - several murders later.
Assistant Costume Designer
開拓時代の西部を舞台に、誘拐された中国のプリンセスを救うため、J・チェン演じる近衛兵とO・ウィルソン演じるガンマンのコンビが活躍するアクション・アドベンチャー。 1881年、中国・紫禁城からペペ姫が誘拐された。犯人は身代金として金貨10万枚、人質との交換場所をアメリカ・ネヴァダ州カーソン・シティと要求してきた。だが身代金を運ぶためアメリカへ渡った一行は、列車強盗に遭遇。カバン持ちチョン・ウェンは仲間とはぐれるが、荒野の果てで出会ったのは仲間から見放され砂漠に埋められていた列車強盗団のボス、ロイ・オバノンだった。やがて意気投合した二人は、協力してペペ姫を救出しようとする。