Marco Spotti


Il Trovatore
As Aragon descends into unrest, a count jealously fights for a noble lady's heart. But she has already given it to a passionate troubadour whose mother holds a terrible secret.
Le Trouvère
"This is a family tragedy, and in many ways, it is a very contemporary story." This is how Robert Wilson described Il trovatore, or Le Trouvère in its French version, commissioned from Verdi after the incredible success of the premiere of his Italian version in 1853. With a few changes and alterations to the original music, this version was first performed in 1857 at the Paris Opera. A light show unique to the stage director unfolds in the cold architecture, creating the perfect framing for Verdi’s music, dramatic and dark in this timeless opera.
Benvenuto Cellini
Le Pape Clément VII
The Florentine sculptor and silversmith Benvenuto Cellini rapidly attained a degree of renown that went beyond the confines of Italy. Invariably embroiled in conspiracies, intrigues and quarrels, Cellini is commissioned by the Pope to cast a large sculpture of Perseus. He is loved by Teresa, but she is promised to Fieramosca, an academic artist who has not been favoured with a papal commission. Terry Gilliam’s exuberant production draws the protagonists into a delirious and joyful yet claustrophobic and megalomaniac world: a flaring up of contagious madness.
Puccini: La Bohème
Puccini's masterpiece La Bohème is by far the most represented opera in the world. At the famous Puccini Festival in Torre del Lago (2014), where Puccini composed his main operas, La Bohème is directed by one of Italy’s greatest film directors: Ettore Scola, the creator of a high number of award-winning seminal films. As he explains in the programme notes, as soon as he was approached to stage La Bohème he had to fight hard to resist the temptation to give life to his “revolutionary” ideas; in the end, he decided for a traditional looking, rich, grandiose and detailed Bohème. Together with the exceptional cast of Daniela Dessì, Fabio Armiliato, Alessandro Luongo, Marco Spotti and Alida Berti, this production makes for an incomparable great performance.
Verdi: Don Carlo
Gran Inquisittor
Teatro Regio’s 2013 revival of their highly successful 2006 production of Verdi’s Don Carlo celebrates the 40th anniversary of the theatre’s reopening in 1973. With traditional staging and lavish costume design, the production garnered high acclaim in the national and international press, with GB Opera commending the ‘sumptuous’ setting and French online music magazine ResMusica praising director Hugo de Ana’s decision to revive the show ‘in all its splendour’. Shown here in the four-act version, Don Carlo is the fascinating tale of father-son power struggles, adultery and love that borders on incest. The cast – under the powerful baton of Gianandrea Noseda – is headed by renowned Mexican tenor Ramón Vargas, and also features Ludovic Tézier, who has been hailed as ‘one of the best Verdian singers of our time’
Live performance at Teatro La Fenice, Venice, September 25-28 2010. Myung-Whun Chung conducting Orchestra e Coro del Teatro La Fenice. Directed for the stage by Daniele Abbado.
Verdi: Rigoletto (Teatro Regio di Parma)
Live recording at Parma Verdi Festival 6 October, 2008. Massimo Zanetti conducting Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Regio di Parma. Stage director Stefano Vizioli.
Verdi: Aida
The King
Early recordings of Franco Zeffirelli's 2006 production of Verdi's opera which saw Roberto Alagna's high-profile exit during the second performance. Egypt and Ethiopia are at war. Radames is appointed commander of the Egyptian forces by the King, whose daughter, Amneris, loves Radames. It is in fact Amneris' Ethiopian slave Aida whom Radames loves. Ramades wins the war against the Ethiopians, capturing Aida's father Amonasro in the process. On his return to Egypt he faces a choice between marrying Amneris or betraying his country through his love for Aida.
プッチーニ:歌劇「トスカ」(2006年 アレーナ・ディ・ヴェローナ)
Cesare Angelotti
アレーナ・ディ・ヴェローナ管弦楽団&合唱団 ダニエル・オーレン(指揮) フローリアン・トスカ…フィオレンツィア・チェドリンス(ソプラノ) マリオ・カヴァラドッシ…マルセロ・アルバレス(テノール) スカルピア男爵…ルジェーロ・ライモンディ(バリトン) チェーザレ・アンジェロッティ…マルコ・スポッティ(バス) 教会堂守り…ファビオ・プレヴィアーティ(バス) スポレッタ…エンリコ・ファチーニ(テノール) シャルローネ…ジュリアーノ・ペリゾン(バス) 他
プッチーニ:歌劇 「トスカ」(マドリッド王立劇場)
スペインを代表するマドリッドの王立劇場(テアトロ・レアル)で2004年1月に収録された映像です。女優でもあり、最近舞台演出の分野でも評価を高めているヌリア・エスペルが初めてレアル劇場の演出を担当したことでも話題になった上演です。舞台装置は必要最小限で、照明は控えめ、現代演劇のようなモノトーンの世界で、登場人物の表情に集中できる、落ち着いた演出となっています。 主役二人は、最近世界中のオペラハウスでコンビを組み、息の合った名唱を聴かせるダニエラ・デッシーとファビオ・アルミリアートのスター夫婦です。すでに、イタリア人ソプラノ歌手を代表する存在となった感のあるダニエラ・デッシーと、力強く張りのある声と颯爽とした舞台姿で観衆を魅了するアルミリアートが、舞台における理想的なトスカとカヴァラドッシとして、抜群の歌唱と演技を披露します。 悪役スカルピアは、老練なライモンディが扮し、当たり役を凄みのある演技と恐怖を与えるような声で演じ、ベテラン健在をアピールしています。
Marin Faliero
Rare production of the opera which immediately preceded Lucia di Lammermoor in Donizetti’s oeuvre. This performance was taped live at the Teatro Regio di Parma, January 5, 2002.