An all-new action-adventure that follows Dorothy, the self-proclaimed genius con artist who recruited the infamous Laurent Thierry to the life of crime. This time around, she has been defeated at her own game by the Shanghai Longu Bang and is thought to be dead, but she soon reemerges in a small seaside village. Pursued by the underworld of Taipei, she heads to Kyoto, but what will she find waiting for her there…?!
華々しいデビューを飾った神浜コウジ(声:柿原徹也)、速水ヒロ(声:前野智昭)、仁科カヅキ(声:増田俊樹)の3人によるユニット“Over The Rainbow”。彼らを目指して、エーデルローズに続々と新入生が入学してくる。4年に一度の“プリズムキングカップ”に向けて練習を重ねるヒロたちだったが、その前に突然、“シュワルツローズ”という対抗勢力が現れる……。“最も女の子の心をきらめかせた男子”だけに与えられる“プリズムキング”の称号を手にするのは誰だ!?