Riko is 27, working as a love simulation game designer, and she no longer has big expectations for a man in her life. One day app company TIMEIS, lead by Soichiro, hires her to work on their latest game.
松本清張医療サスペンス第3弾! テレビ東京では、5月10日(水)夜9時から、松本清張 没後25年記念特別企画として「誤差」を放送することを決定致しました。この作品は、新潮文庫所収の傑作短編集『駅路』の一遍で、ファン待望のテレビドラマ化となります。 主演を務めるのは、山梨県警の刑事・山岡役を演じる村上弘明、山岡とコンビを組む後輩刑事役として剛力彩芽、さらに、“死体の声に耳を傾ける”法医学教授・立花役として陣内孝則、の豪華3人のメインキャストを迎えておおくりします。好評を博した、一昨年3月の開局50周年特別企画『黒い画集-草-』、昨年3月の松本清張特別企画『喪失の儀礼』に続き、みたび!松本清張作品での三人のトリオ共演が実現しました。 温泉宿で起きた殺人!不倫関係の男の正体は!?…事件のからくりを紐解くべく捜査を進める三人が、事象をありのままに見つめることの困難さを強烈に突きつけます。 「死亡推定時刻の“ズレ”」…そのズレが、ヒトの考えに都合の良い理解可能な結論を導き出す危うさ…!人間心理に根差した、まさに予測不能の本格サスペンスに挑みます。
Sawagura Nobuko is back housekeeping again in this sequel to the 2014 SP! This time around Nobuko, having been given some pearl earrings as a present sometime before, decides to attend an exhibition for a pearl described as being the world's most expensive one. That pearl is owned by the Iwakura family, who run a large pearl company. While looking at the pearl however, Nobuko is pulled away by a handsome man who seems to have some connection to the family. So when Nobuko finds one of her pearl earrings missing and probably taken by that man, she decides to work as a housekeeper for the Iwakura family until the man shows up again and she can get her earring back. But the Iwakura family that Nobuko is now working for has plenty of secrets beyond just pearls that she'll have to sort out if she wants her earring back...