Alex D. da Silva


メリー・ポピンズ リターンズ
Production Manager
舞台はロンドン──ミステリアスで美しい魔法使いのメリー・ポピンズが、母を亡くし、窮地に陥った家族の元に空から舞い降りた。エレガントでマナーに厳しい彼女の“上から目線”の言動と美しくも型破りな魔法によって、家族は再び希望を取り戻し始める。 幸せを運ぶ魔法使いメリー・ポピンズがディズニー史上最高のハッピーを届ける、極上のミュージカル映画が誕生!
Ready, Set, Bag!
Competition of grocery store baggers to name the National Best Bagger at the 2008 National Grocery Bagging competition in Las Vegas.
Runners High
When teenagers from one of the nation's toughest neighborhoods in Oakland, California sign up to train for a marathon, they begin the journey of a lifetime. Runners High is an intimate, character driven documentary of struggle, courage, and hope. During a season filled with conflict and possibility, four of these teens bare their dreams, joys, tears and fears. As several stumble under pressure in emotionally charged moments, others realize the journey begins with the power and commitment to accept responsibility for their own futures. Runners High shows that no matter what happens next, one season of training to run 26.2 miles can change your life forever.