Matthew E. Taylor


Dialogue Editor
スパイダーマン、死す── スパイダーマンことピーター・パーカーの突然の訃報により、ニューヨーク市民は悲しみに包まれる。13歳のマイルス・モラレスもその一人──彼こそがピーターの後を継ぐ“新生スパイダーマン”だが、その力を未だに上手くコントロール出来ずにいた。そんなある日、何者かにより時空が歪められる大事故が起こる。その天地を揺るがす激しい衝撃により歪められた時空から集められたのは、スパイダー・グウェン、スパイダーマン・ノワール、スパイダー・ハム、そしてペニー・パーカーと彼女が操るパワードスーツ。彼らは全く別の次元=ユニバースで活躍する様々なスパイダーマン達だった。
Power Rangers: Shattered Grid
A dark prelude to the comic book event of the year. Available MARCH 28 online and at your local comic book retailers.
Dialogue Editor
Dialogue Editor
Reef 'n' Beef
Greg decides he needs a change of vocation. He calls upon his best mate Bass, the common sense of the pair, to join him in his quest to become a professional shark wrangler. Greg soon realises that the mission requires funds to get them started. Fortunately, Bass reluctantly agrees to outlay his money set aside for his fiancé's wedding ring and honeymoon, in the hope that the investment will pay dividends. Greg's mum, Barb, is all for the change, and even supplies the boys with stock from her beloved abattoir. The boys' respective other halves, Sharon and Darlene, although not so supportive, have bigger and more pertinent issues on their mind... Darlene and Bass' impending wedding! Add to the clan Greg's younger sister Shell, a uni student and budding left wing extremist, and things are prone to go very, very south! Will the boys be successful in their epic quest to prove to researchers they can tag a large shark? Will Barb keep her abattoir open, despite formidable opposition and ...
Dialogue Editor
A female forensic psychiatrist discovers that all of one of her patient's multiple personalities are murder victims. She will have to find out what's happening before her time is finished.