Denise Capezza

Denise Capezza

出生 : 1989-11-07, Napoli, Italy


Denise Capezza
Denise Capezza
Denise Capezza
Denise Capezza


Holy Shoes
Crimes of the Future
With his partner Caprice, celebrity performance artist Saul Tenser publicly showcases the metamorphosis of his organs in avant-garde performances. Timlin, an investigator from the National Organ Registry, obsessively tracks their movements, which is when a mysterious group is revealed... Their mission -- to use Saul's notoriety to shed light on the next phase of human evolution.
Cobra non è
A crime comedy about the crazy night of a rapper and his manager
San Valentino Stories
Killer in Red
Young Woman in Black
A man who looks like many others enters a bar to meet a girl. As he waits for her, the bartender tells him about Floyd, who tended bar there in the late '70s.
Hep Yek
Cevat is the son of a famous mafia leader. He falls in love with a super model and he decides to kidnap her. The famous mafia boss has his men do this for his son. They kidnap her and plan how they will bring her to Cevat safely. On their way, the worker will get in trouble and lose the car with the model in it. He will experience the worst 48 hours of his life when he has to find her in order to bring her to Cevat.
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