Susan Angelo

Susan Angelo


Susan Angelo


Infirmière (voice)
DNA revolves around a woman with close ties to a beloved Algerian grandfather who protected her from a toxic home life as a child. When he dies, it triggers a deep identity crisis as tensions between her extended family members escalate revealing new depths of resentment and bitterness.
Zofia (voice)
A duplicitous young man finds success in the dark world of social media smear tactics — but his virtual vitriol soon has violent real-life consequences.
Compound Fracture
Michael Wolffsen (Tyler Mane) receives an urgent phone call and takes his nephew and fiancee and makes the journey home to his only other living relative: his estranged, eccentric (and extremely paranoid) father, Gary (Muse Watson), who is obsessed with building an unassailable compound. Once they arrive at Gary’s modest home, surrounded by acres and acres of grounds full of cameras and other security sensors, Michael is surprised and concerned to learn that his father is in the early stages of dementia. The house is now also covered in supernatural and occult symbols. Welcome to the compound, COMPOUND FRACTURE. Will the stronghold that was designed to save them be their everlasting tomb?
Oline Archer
Apollo 11: First Steps on the Moon
Dee O'Hara
Fearful that the Russians would continue their lead in the space race and be the first to put a man on the moon, NASA felt an enormous pressure to push the Apollo Program forward as quickly as possible, though they knew that pushing too hard could lead to the ultimate disaster. This film recreates the tensions that were felt not only by the three astronauts, Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins, but also by their families and by the teams of technicians training to deal with anything that could go wrong.
Fire! Trapped on the 37th Floor
Woman on the 32nd Floor
A fire breaks out on the 12th floor of the First Interstate Tower building in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Paul and Susan are working late on the 37th floor, along with cleaning staff, security, and building engineers, some of whom are installing sprinklers. The fire spreads rapidly and those in the building quickly become trapped.