Steve Salada


Love & Teleportation
Director of Photography
Brian Owens was once a prominent professor of quantum mechanics until an accident stripped him of his credentials; he now teaches at a community college. In order to reclaim his stature, he is trying to build the world's first teleportation machine in his garage at night. All of this while being romantically pursued by one of the art professors at the college, avoiding the crazy old lady next door, and being harassed by the loan sharks he borrowed money from to build his machine. But his biggest problem is he can't get his machine to work.​
Love & Teleportation
Brian Owens was once a prominent professor of quantum mechanics until an accident stripped him of his credentials; he now teaches at a community college. In order to reclaim his stature, he is trying to build the world's first teleportation machine in his garage at night. All of this while being romantically pursued by one of the art professors at the college, avoiding the crazy old lady next door, and being harassed by the loan sharks he borrowed money from to build his machine. But his biggest problem is he can't get his machine to work.​
Kurt hates his life, so he sinks into sadness. But things begin to change when his friend Nick takes Kurt on a bizarre road trip around the country.
Production Office Coordinator
1836年の春、エルアラモの古い使命であったサンアントニオデベハルの近くで、約200人のテキサス人がメキシコ大統領で陸軍指揮官のアントニオロペスデサンタアンナ将軍の包囲に13日間抵抗しました。 テキサンズの指揮官は、若くて無謀なウィリアム・トラヴィス大佐、暴力的で情熱的なジェームズ・ボウイ、伝説のデビッド・クロケットだった。 戦闘で死ななかった人々は、サンタアンナの命令によって処刑されました。 「アラモを覚えて」はサム・ヒューストン将軍の戦いの叫び声になり、ついにテキサスをメキシコから独立させ、連合のもう一つの州になった。