Tetsuya Desaki


Director of Photography
Director of Photography
多羅尾伴内 鬼面村の惨劇
Director of Photography
Tarao’s services are called upon to solve the mysterious death of bride-to-be, Mariko, who was found dead with an eerie mask of a devil.
Director of Photography
Legendary detective returns
Director of Photography
柔道から野球部に転部したキャッチャー・ドカベンこと山田太郎、怪力で三枚目の岩鬼正美、そして野球部主将・長島徹。この三人を中心に、天才的な音楽の才能を持つ殿馬一人、ドカベンのライバル・影丸、賀間、柔道部主将のわびすけ、酔いどれ野球部監督・徳川ら個性豊かなキャラクターが明訓高校で織りなす青春群像劇。甲子園出場を目指す野球部主将・長島が、山田の素質を見抜き野球部に勧誘するも、山田はなぜか弱小柔道部へ。山田にライバル意識を燃やす岩鬼も続いて入部し、柔道部は一気に最強の運動部へと発展するが……。 空前のブームを巻き起こした、水島新司原作の大ヒット野球コミックを完全映画化。主役三人は全国公募で選ばれ、長島徹役に見事抜擢された永島敏行の映画デビュー作でもある。さらには、酔いどれ監督・徳川役を原作者の水島新司が熱演。鈴木則文監督が挑んだエンターテインメント青春映画。
Director of Photography
The third movie in the "Boso" series.
Director of Photography
Teruo Ishii's West Side Story, done as a bloody, violent, sexploitative biker gang film. It's the Red Chilis versus the Black Cats, and the chick who just may heal the divide.
実録三億円事件 時効成立
Director of Photography
In this retelling of an infamous unsolved heist, a couple tries to outlast the statute of limitations after successfully stealing 300 million yen.
Director of Photography
Based on the comic by Tetsu Kariya.
青春讃歌 暴力学園大革命
Director of Photography
A Violent School Revolution
Director of Photography
A group of prisoners attempts to break the Abashiri prison. This film can be considered a sequel to the Abashiri Bangaichi series, written and directed by Ishii Teruo. The friendship between two men on death row, a fleeting love affair with a traveling dancer and a deadly battle with the real culprit who has hunted him down filmed over a long period of time on location in Hokkaido.