Aleksandar Todorović


Tight Skin 4
Saša Pantić
At 56 years of age Mita Pantić (Nikola Simić) is still only a junior clerk in his company. Another typical workday for him is starting at 6 a.m. as frustration awaits at every turn from the moment he gets up. Trying to get ready to go to work, he can barely get a turn to use the bathroom in the crowded apartment. Other members of the household are not without their frustrations either, meaning that nagging and shouting are a staple of their home life at any time of day.
The Other Man
Young American actor comes to Yugoslavia to star in co-production film of the two countries, only to find out that the director was mysteriously killed. Later he discovers that the reason was his involvement in the white slavery trade.
The Moth
Ljubin sin
The story of a man called "Moth", who becomes an entertainment star. Burdened with great popularity and entertainment events, he can not find his way around, and gets in series of comic situations.
A Tight Skin
Saša Pantić
At 56 years of age Mita Pantić (Nikola Simić) is still only a junior clerk in his company. Another typical workday for him is starting at 6 a.m. as frustration awaits at every turn from the moment he gets up. Trying to get ready to go to work, he can barely get a turn to use the bathroom in the crowded apartment. Other members of the household are not without their frustrations either, meaning that nagging and shouting are a staple of their home life at any time of day.
The Pals
The war is over, and a group of young Partisans returns to their town to continue their interrupted education. They are doing everything in their way, because they are young enough to go to school and to horse around, but mature enough to react to lies and injustice. Loud, ready to fight, they are a problem in school, in youth organization, in town's command. And when they get used to normal life, one of them gets killed by Chetnik renegades' ambush. The comrades wear their uniforms again, take their weapons and succeed in revenging their comrade. When they return to school again, they are determined to pass the maturity test as well...