Christian Labarta


Second Second Assistant Director
Sorry About Your Wife
First Assistant Director
"Sorry About Your Wife" is a short dark comedy about a man learning of his wife's infidelity, at some swanky Hollywood pool party. That man is Felix. Felix is not someone who seeks confrontation. If he had a super power, it'd be his ability to roll with the punches, to bend like a willow, to not rise to every challenge or provocation like some jumped up, testosterone-fueled frat boy. Felix has always thought of this as his greatest strength, it's his armor and what makes him such a nice guy. Though when Felix finally learns of his wife's infidelity, surrounded by all the superficial glitz and glamour of some Hollywood pool party, he suddenly comes to a realization. The realization, that deep down, what this actually makes him, is a doormat, a loser, a putz. But right now, in this moment, he has a chance to do something about it, to show what he's made of, to completely break the mold and become the person he's always dreamed of being.
Set Production Assistant
Set Production Assistant
元警察官のブライアンは各地を逃亡しつつ流れ着いた先のマイアミで、ストリートレーサーとしてカリスマ的存在になっていたが、ある夜のレース後に、警官隊によって連行されてしまう。連行先のロサンゼルスでの強盗団捜査の指揮を執るFBI捜査官・ビルキンスの指示によるものであった。 過去の免罪の見返りとして麻薬組織の囮捜査を強要されたブライアンは、旧友のローマン・ピアースをパートナーとして捜査に乗り出すのだった。