Kristin Diehle


26 year-old Karl Marx embarks with his wife, Jenny, on the road to exile. In 1844 in Paris, he meets Friedrich Engels, an industrialist’s son, who has been investigating the sordid birth of the British working class. Engels, the dandy, provides the last piece of the puzzle to the young Karl Marx’s new vision of the world. Together, between censorship and the police’s repression, riots and political upheavals, they will lead the labor movement during its development into a modern era.
イスタンブールから1000km離れたトルコの小さな村に住む、美しい5人姉妹の末っ子ラーレは13歳。 10年前に両親を事故で亡くし、いまは祖母の家で叔父とともに暮らしている。 学校生活を謳歌していた姉妹たちは、ある日、古い慣習と封建的な思想のもと一切の外出を禁じられてしまう。 電話を隠され扉には鍵がかけられ「カゴの鳥」となった彼女たちは、自由を取り戻すべく奮闘するが、 一人また一人と祖母たちが決めた相手と結婚させられていく。 そんななか、ラーレは秘かにある計画をたてる……。
Doorks - Bad Hair Day
Concierge Felix is looking forward to a quiet night-shift with his favorite co-worker and secret crush Tanja. Unfortunately she brings a cage to work that does not contain a cuddly pet and draws a group of very peculiar gentlemen into Felix lobby.
The Last Survivor
Shortfilm remake of the finale of "ALIEN": After her ship has been destroyed, the last survivor of the ship's crew tries to finally get some sleep. But the hideous creature has also survived the explosion. Only question ist: Who will be able to rest at last?
In the 1980s, an Israeli refugee, deemed a traitor, coaches West Germany's basketball team.
Faust inhabits an earthy, 19th-century world of primitive autopsies and medical rituals. He becomes obsessed with the beautiful Margarete and desperately turns to a physically grotesque moneylender to conjure their union.