Amy Barber


Foley Mixer
1987年7月――サン・セバスチャン修道院。 アモルト神父はローマ教皇から直接依頼を受け、憑依されたある少年の《悪魔祓い》エクソシズムに向かう――。変わり果てた姿。絶対に知りえないアモルト自身の過去を話す少年を見て、これは病気ではなく“悪魔”の仕業だと確信。若き相棒のトマース神父とともに本格的な調査に乗り出したアモルトは、ある古い記録に辿り着く。中世ヨーロッパでカトリック教会が異端者の摘発と処罰のために行っていた宗教裁判。その修道院の地下に眠る邪悪な魂――。全てが一つに繋がった時、ヴァチカンの命運を握る、凄惨なエクソシズムが始まる――
Foley Editor
1987年7月――サン・セバスチャン修道院。 アモルト神父はローマ教皇から直接依頼を受け、憑依されたある少年の《悪魔祓い》エクソシズムに向かう――。変わり果てた姿。絶対に知りえないアモルト自身の過去を話す少年を見て、これは病気ではなく“悪魔”の仕業だと確信。若き相棒のトマース神父とともに本格的な調査に乗り出したアモルトは、ある古い記録に辿り着く。中世ヨーロッパでカトリック教会が異端者の摘発と処罰のために行っていた宗教裁判。その修道院の地下に眠る邪悪な魂――。全てが一つに繋がった時、ヴァチカンの命運を握る、凄惨なエクソシズムが始まる――
Foley Mixer
After Kevin finds a ghost named Ernest haunting his new home, he becomes an overnight social media sensation. But when Kevin and Ernest go rogue to investigate the mystery of the latter's past, they become targets of the CIA.
Foley Editor
After Kevin finds a ghost named Ernest haunting his new home, he becomes an overnight social media sensation. But when Kevin and Ernest go rogue to investigate the mystery of the latter's past, they become targets of the CIA.
Sound Designer
第2次世界大戦中の1943年。連合国空軍の女性大尉モード・ギャレットが、フールズ・エランド号と命名され た B-17爆撃機に乗り込んだ。上官からの密命を帯びたモードの任務は、極秘の最高機密をニュージーランド からサモアへ運ぶこと。オール男性の乗組員たちから卑猥な言葉を浴びせられながらも、ひたむきにミッション を遂行しようとするモードだったが、銃座の窓から機の右翼にまとわりつく、謎の生物を目撃する―。そしてある 重大な秘密を隠し持つ彼女が、この爆撃機に乗った本当の理由とは......。
Foley Editor
On Saint Patrick's day—a night of wild parties and drunken revelry—three unlikely friends band together to save a college town from a vicious horde of body-snatching aliens.
My Valentine
Foley Editor
A pop singer's artistic identity is stolen by her ex-boyfriend/manager and shamelessly pasted onto his new girlfriend/protégé. Locked together late one night in a concert venue, the three reconcile emotional abuses of the past...until things turn violent.
My Valentine
Foley Mixer
A pop singer's artistic identity is stolen by her ex-boyfriend/manager and shamelessly pasted onto his new girlfriend/protégé. Locked together late one night in a concert venue, the three reconcile emotional abuses of the past...until things turn violent.
Foley Mixer
A mother concerned about her young son's disturbing behavior thinks something supernatural may be affecting him.
The Breaker Upperers
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Two women run a business breaking up couples for cash but when one develops a conscience their friendship unravels.
The Breaker Upperers
Supervising Sound Editor
Two women run a business breaking up couples for cash but when one develops a conscience their friendship unravels.
The World In Your Window
Foley Artist
Eight-year-old Jesse lives in a twilight world of sadness and silence, squeezed into a tiny caravan with his grief stricken father. They're in limbo, existing more than living. The child intuitively understands that looking forward is harder than looking back, and that's where life happens. But they are stuck, until an accidental friendship with a V8 driving transsexual unlocks the means for Jesse to liberate his father and himself.
Clipping: Splendor & Misery
Foley Editor
A surreal post-apocalyptic drama by Patrick Kennelly inspired by the clipping. album “Splendor & Misery”
Foley Supervisor
Two teenage boys unwittingly summon an ancient evil entity known as The Blind One by delving into black magic while trying to escape their mundane lives.
The Land Has Eyes
Sound Editor
Coming of age story about Viki a young pacific islander attempting to escape the stifling conformity of island culture. Inspired by the myth of the Warrior Woman, Viki recovers from the death of her father and fights for justice and freedom for her community.