Marco Giannoni


Mister Happiness
Line Producer
Martino's sister, Caterina, can't work anymore for health reasons and he replaces her as cleaner for dr. Guglielmo Gioia, a mental coach. While the doctor leaves, Martino pretends to be his assistant.
Line Producer
ある月食の夜、年頃の娘を持つ夫婦ロッコとエヴァの家に、ロッコの幼なじみで親友のレレとコジモとペッペ、そしてレレの妻カルロッタとコジモの妻ビアンカが集まり、夕食会が開かれる。 たわいのない会話で盛り上がる中、エヴァの提案で7人の男女は互いに秘密のないことの証としてスマートフォンにかかってきた電話や届いたメールやメッセージを公開し合うゲームを始めることになるが、次第に7人の隠された姿が露呈していく。
Tutta colpa di Freud
General Manager
Francesco is a psychoanalyst grappling with three hopeless causes: a bookseller in love with a book thief, a lesbian hell-bent on becoming straight after a heartbreak, and an 18-year-old in a relationship with a much older married man. Unfortunately, these patients are also his three beloved daughters!
The Immature: The Trip
Line Producer
After the events of the first movie, the "immatures" go on a trip to the Greek island of Paros.
Production Secretary
Since her husband pronounced her frigid on her wedding night, Antonia De Angelis has been an invalid. When he disappears, she believes him dead: she leaves her sickbed and takes over his business, traveling to see clients. She discovers her husband's passions, his political writing, mistresses, and his indifference to the peasants on her family's land. The husband is forced to watch from a distance as his wife blossom socially in his absence; then the plot thickens.
The Psychic
Production Secretary
A woman with psychic powers has a vision of a murder that took place in a house owned by her husband.