Yetide Badaki

Yetide Badaki

出生 : 1981-09-24, Ibadan, Nigeria


Yetide Badaki
Yetide Badaki


Veronica Antetokounmpo
ミルウォーキー・バックスのヤニスとタナシス、ロサンゼルス・レイカーズのコスタス…史上初めて兄弟3人のNBAチャンピオンを生み出したアデトクンボ家を描く実話に基づいた物語。 ナイジェリアの伝統とギリシャの国民性、そして並外れた運動能力を併せ持つアデトクンボ家の面々が、強い信念や決意に支えられながらMVP獲得2回のヤニスを筆頭に3人のNBAチャンピオンを生み出していく。 ヤニスとタナシスは2021年シーズンにバックスに50年ぶりのチャンピオンリングをもたらし、コスタスはその前シーズンにレイカーズのメンバーとしてチャンピオンになる。 ナイジェリアからギリシャへと移り住んだヴェロニカとチャールズのアデトクンボ夫妻は強制送還に怯える日々を過ごしながらも、子供たちを養い、生き延びるために奮闘していた。 ナイジェリアの親戚のもとに長男を残してきた夫妻はギリシャの市民権を得ようとするが、そのたびに制度の壁に阻まれてしまう。 アテネの街角で観光客相手の商売をする傍ら、ヤニスとタナシスは地元のユースチームでバスケットボールに熱中していた。 それまで競技経験のなかった兄弟だが、バスケットコートで自分たちの才能を発見し、世界的なアスリートになるため懸命に努力する。 ヤニスはエージェントの助けを借りて2013年のNBAドラフトに参加。この挑戦が、家族全員の運命を大きく変えることに…。
In Hollywoodland
Zodwa stumbles through the looking glass into Hollywood. Will she survive the madness?
In Hollywoodland
Zodwa stumbles through the looking glass into Hollywood. Will she survive the madness?
What We Found
Close friends Marcus and Holly begin their freshman year at a tough public high school in Baltimore County, Maryland. When Cassie, a well liked senior at the school, disappears suspiciously, both of their lives change forever. Together, will they find out what happened to Cassie? And after a dramatic confrontation, will any of them ever be the same?
The Long Shadow
Sissy Leblanc
A young female Sheriff's Deputy in rural Louisiana takes on her town's old money establishment when the woman she loves - an attorney fighting to stop a rail deal that threatens to displace the town's poor - is murdered.
A grieving woman discovers an app that offers an unconventional method for alleviating her pain.
When an Asian American girl from the wrong side of the tracks is accepted by a prestigious university, she finds that her academic prowess can be put to lucrative use.
The Spirit Game
In the mid-nineteenth century, three sisters astonished the world with their ability to talk to the dead. But what began as a clever prank to gain fortune and fame, soon spiraled beyond anything they could have ever predicted. Based on the true story of The Fox Sisters.
The Prayer Circle
When a young ex-con joins a prayer group to receive guidance - and the group members discover they have more in common than they thought - their lives are changed forever.
Benjamin can’t really remember life before the plane. Flashes, really. A carnival. The faces of his parents. The smell of McDonalds. But now, today, his entire world is the size of a customized 747, refurbished to comfortably house him. And the crew that caters to his every one: his freedom. Because there’s something wrong with Benjamin. Something you can’t see with the naked eye. Something that won’t appear on any test. It’s nothing he asked for or has any control over. You see, when his feet touch the ground, it’s as if it causes an infection to spread. That infection triggers a response. Rage. Fury. Mania. Chaos. Benjamin is a splinter in the world. And so he remains, skybound. For ever and for always. At least, that was the plan. Until today.
A young boy's mother struggles with depression, and he tries to break her out of it.