A nightly encounter between two lovers, turns into something unexpected...
Even more than the previous movie 'I AM Hardwell - Living the dream' will let you experience the music. Starting with the 27-year-old Robbert van de Corput, working on new musical ideas in his studio, followed by the mass hysteria in Delhi and unprecedented footage of the 'I AM Hardwell' concert shows where ten thousands of people worldwide shared in the music, passion and energy of what a Hardwell show is all about. It's a gateway into the life of a musical pioneer on the road to accessing the peak of his artistic powers.
Get ready to dive deep. A journey into the mind of a full-blooded DJ superstar, bringing together all of his ideas, from artwork to visuals to his very own take on nowadays EDM. A solo event showcasing the talent and vision of Hardwell. An ambitious world tour with the big room phenomenon behind the wheels. The man behind Hardwell will be reveraled. Mister Spaceman is about to take the crowds to another level. Discover what Hardwell is really about. Kicking off in Amsterdam’s renowned concert venue Heineken Music Hall.