Dick Smith


Sound Assistant
Night Train to Paris
Former OSS officer Alan Holiday, now living in London, is visited on New Year's Eve by Catherine Carrel who says she is a close friend of Jules Lemoine who served with Holiday during the war. Lemoine urgently requests that Holiday go to Paris on a secret mission. Lemoine visits and wants Alan to deliver a reel of tape which he gives him, and keeps a fake reel himself to deceive enemy agents. Lemoine is killed and the fake tape stolen. Holiday, poses as an assistant to photographer Louis Vernay, and they take three models along to further the ruse.
Danger by My Side
Sound Recordist
A girl tracks down the gang who had her detective brother killed.
The Third Alibi
Sound Recordist
A composer (Laurence Payne) is stuck in a middle-class marriage and finds that his affair with his wife's half-sister (Jane Griffiths) has resulted in a pregnancy. When his wife refuses to give him a divorce he hatches a murder scheme that is too clever by half.
Haunted England
Sound Engineer
Calm down dear, it's only an apparition! A picturesque travelogue takes a creepy turn in this delightfully kitsch look at famous haunted castles across England, directed by Michael Winner. Filmed in beautiful Eastmancolor, this fun, spooky short sees Anne Boleyn trailing the gardens of Norfolk's Blickley Hall, while Wild Lord Edric, betrayed by William the Conqueror, roams the Stiperstones. Elsewhere, Lord Bath welcomes a clairvoyant to investigate Longleat's Grey Lady.
The Gentle Trap
Sound Recordist
A young locksmith becomes involved in crime.
The Big Chance
Sound Recordist
A clerk sees his big chance to escape a humdrum existence, but his resolve is tested as many unexpected obstacles arise.
Sound Recordist
An atomic scientist is found floating in a river with a bullet in his back and a radioactive halo around his body. The radioactivity has put him seven-and-a-half seconds ahead of us in time. He teams up with a reporter to stop his evil double from destroying his experiments in artificial tungsten.
Little Red Monkey
Sound Recordist
Several murders of nuclear scientists, that baffles Scotland Yard, occur in London about the same time that Bill Locklin, a special officer from the United States State Department, arrives to oversee the transfer of Professor Leon Dushenko, a Russian scientist who as fled the U.S.S.R. An attempt is made on Dushenko's life with a monkey's paw-print found at the scene.
Little Red Monkey
Sound Supervisor
Several murders of nuclear scientists, that baffles Scotland Yard, occur in London about the same time that Bill Locklin, a special officer from the United States State Department, arrives to oversee the transfer of Professor Leon Dushenko, a Russian scientist who as fled the U.S.S.R. An attempt is made on Dushenko's life with a monkey's paw-print found at the scene.
The Deadliest Sin
Sound Supervisor
A confession to a priest from a thief leads to the priest's life being threatened by his gang.
Street of Shadows
Sound Director
A saloon owner falls in love with the abused wife of a heavy gambler. He is snared into a web of intrigue when an ex-girlfriend is found murdered in his apartment.
The Great Game
Sound Mixer
The wealthy chairman of First Division Football Club, Burnville United, makes an unethical approach to a star player of another club, and the ensuing scandal costs him his job.
Hindle Wakes
Sound Recordist
During a holiday to the beach Jenny meets Alan and agrees to spend the week with him. Wanting to keep this a secret from her parents Jenny gets help from her friend Mary to pretend her whereabouts but disaster strikes during a boating accident. It is soon discovered Jenny was not with Mary. When the parents find out the truth they pressure the couple to get married, but Jenny thinks otherwise.
Crow Hollow
Sound Supervisor
A greedy woman tries to poison her nephew's bride in a dark mansion.
Wide Boy
Sound Supervisor
Picking a pocket leads to blackmail and murder for a petty criminal in London.
Wide Boy
Sound Recordist
Picking a pocket leads to blackmail and murder for a petty criminal in London.
Mystery Junction
Sound Recordist
In this crime drama, an escaped convict is recaptured and charged with killing two people in a lonely waystation during a snowstorm. Fortunately, a novelist is around to prove him innocent.
Assassin for Hire
Sound Recordist
Antonio Riccardi, a rare stamp dealer who is secretly a hired killer, pays for the violin lessons of his gifted brother Giuseppe. To meet the expenses of Giuseppe's concert debut he accepts a further job, but his decision to do so provides Detective Inspector Carson, who has long hoped to ensnare Tony, with an opportunity that might now enable him to bring about his downfall.
The Dark Man
Sound Recordist
A killer called 'The Dark Man' commits double murder. This is witnessed by the young aspiring actress Molly Lester. The Dark Man tries everything to put Molly out of the way. Detective Inspector Viner of Scotland Yard investigates the murders.
Ha'penny Breeze
Sound Supervisor
A demobbed serviceman finds that his village has fallen on hard times. With the help of family, friends and the villagers he enters his boat in a yacht race. Winning will mean orders for new boats and life for the village.
The Gorbals Story
Sound Supervisor
A successful artist recalls his life in the tenements of the Glasgow slums. In flashback his recalls the events and characters he shared with in a slum tenement building.
The Secret Tunnel
Sound Supervisor
Storyline Roger Henderson, the young son of a wealthy British gentleman, lives in one of those grand British country estates surrounded by huge gardens. When a Rembrandt painting is stolen from the vault in the basement of the mansion, Roger and John Wilson (young son of the butler) discover a secret tunnel leading from the vault to another building on the estate. They then set out on a dangerous mission to bring the smugglers to justice.
Adventure in Blackmail
Sound Recordist
Low-key British comedy starring Clive Brook as a successful playwright who is sued for breach of promise by a mysterious beauty he claims not to know.