Commercial Makeup Artist
「ゲット・アウト」「アス」で高い評価を受けるジョーダン・ピールの長編監督第3作。広大な田舎町の空に突如現れた不気味な飛行物体をめぐり、謎の解明のため動画撮影を試みる兄妹がたどる運命を描いた。 田舎町で広大な敷地の牧場を経営し、生計を立てている一家。ある日、一家の長男が、家業をサボって町に繰り出す妹にうんざりしていたところ、突然空から異物が降り注いでくる。その謎の現象が止んだかと思うと、直前まで会話していた父親が息絶えていた。長男は、父親の不可解な死の直前に、雲に覆われた巨大な飛行物体のようなものを目撃したことを妹に明かす。兄妹はその飛行物体の存在を収めた動画を撮影すればネットでバズるはずだと、飛行物体の撮影に挑むが、そんな彼らに想像を絶する事態が待ち受けていた。 「ゲット・アウト」でもピール監督とタッグを組んだダニエル・カルーヤが兄、「ハスラーズ」のキキ・パーマーが妹を演じるほか、「ミナリ」のスティーブン・ユァンが共演。
Waitress at Denino's
Scott has been a case of arrested development ever since his firefighter father died when he was seven. He's now reached his mid-20s having achieved little, chasing a dream of becoming a tattoo artist that seems far out of reach. As his ambitious younger sister heads off to college, Scott is still living with his exhausted ER nurse mother and spends his days smoking weed, hanging with the guys — Oscar, Igor and Richie — and secretly hooking up with his childhood friend Kelsey. But when his mother starts dating a loudmouth firefighter named Ray, it sets off a chain of events that will force Scott to grapple with his grief and take his first tentative steps toward moving forward in life.
Liza Treyger talks about her future as a party animal, the dangerous side effects of weird penises and how difficult it is for her to get laid because of her standards.
Liza Treyger talks about her future as a party animal, the dangerous side effects of weird penises and how difficult it is for her to get laid because of her standards.