Lisa Kaminir

Lisa Kaminir

出生 : 1960-04-22, USA


Lisa Kaminir


The Heart Stays
Mrs. Mortimer
The Heart Stays tells the story of two Native American sisters who leave the traditions and safety of their Native nation to follow their own long-held dreams–the older one to attend a distinguished college and the younger one to become a rock star. Soon after leaving their beloved land and community their life journeys collide with racism, drugs, and violence, forcing the older teen to choose between her own life’s work and saving her sister’s life.
Acting Double
身長わずか1.5cmの最小ヒーロー、アントマンとワスプは、<量子世界>に導く装置を生み出した娘キャシー達とともに、ミクロより小さな世界へ引きずり込まれてしまう。そこで待ち受けていたのは、過去、現在、未来すべての時を操る能力を持つ、マーベル史上最凶の敵、征服者カーン。彼がこの世界から解き放たれたら、全人類に恐るべき危機が迫る 。アベンジャーズで最も普通すぎる男アントマンが、マーベル史上最大の脅威に挑むアクション超大作。
Associate Producer
Armed with an electric mixer, a Mysterious Woman gives Naked Man the battering of his life, but the sexy interrogation brings up feelings that are hard to swallow. Can she have her cake and eat it too? Or will love turn her batter bitter?