Margaret Laurena Kemp


Ten-Cent Daisy
Ten-Cent Daisy (A Lost Mermaid Tale) follows three sisters Orchid, Violet and Daisy, the mermaid who all run away from their small Caribbean fishing village after Daisy is assaulted by the local pastor.
Children of God
Lena Mackey
Johnny is an art student in Nassau whose technique is perfect, but he’s creatively blocked. His teacher sends him off to the rural island of Eleuthera where he meets Romeo, a hot musician. They begin a clumsy dance of attraction and romance. Romeo has a fiancé and is identified as straight, but he’s been known to play with the boys on the side secretly. The Bahamas are bound by religious traditions that discourage homosexuality and end up forcing gay men into the closet. These characters are all bound together in this intense drama of love, family and secrets.