Owen Monaghan


Set Designer
解説 有名な伝説「アーサー王と円卓の騎士」をスペクタクル感あふれる映像で描く歴史アドベンチャー大作。アーサー王を『すべては愛のために』のクライヴ・オーウェンが演じ、やがて王妃となるグイナヴィアに『パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン』のキーラ・ナイトレイが扮し見事な矢さばきを見せる。 あらすじ ローマ帝国の崩壊で混乱するブリテン島。この混迷を極める戦乱の世に平和をもたらすべく、一人の男が立ち上がった。彼の名はアーサー(クライヴ・オーウェン)。勇敢な騎士たちを従え、宝剣エクスカリバーを手に、民衆を守るため戦いに挑む。
Dead Bodies
Art Direction
The return of a vengeful ex-girlfriend sets into motion a series of gruesome events for a hapless Irish bachelor in director Robert Quinn's grim black comedy. Tommy (Andrew Scott) had thought he had seen the last of Jean (Katy Davis) after their recent breakup, but when she returns to stake her claim on Tommy's apartment, the confrontation that ensues makes their previous quarrels look petty by comparison. After leaving the apartment in the head of the fight to cool his head and gather his thoughts, he returns only to find that Jean has died and enlists the aid of his friend Noel (Darren Healy) in ditching the body and ensuring that no one ever finds out what happened.