Sofia Aliberti

Sofia Aliberti

出生 : 1963-03-03, Corfu, Greece


Sofia Aliberti
Sofia Aliberti
Sofia Aliberti


Love Me Not?
Spying a lissome young woman standing topless on a nearby balcony, Giorgos (Andreas Barcoulis) climbs up onto a nearby rooftop to get a better look. At a critical moment in his climb, his family and friends call out to him and he falls, suffering a terrible blow to the head. Ineed, at the hospital, the family is told that he is brain dead, and that if they like, his heart can be given to someone else as a transplant. Giorgos' grieving wife (Betty Livanou) agrees to this arrangement. The film now follows the recipient of the dead man's heart (Giorgos Constas), as he wanders all over Greece, driven by his newly lusty heart into the arms of many beautiful women. Eventually he is led to the one woman his new heart truly loved, Giorgios' wife.
Χωρίς αύριο
Ένα ατίθασο κορίτσι
Ο σοφός και η Σοφία Νο2
Η γοητεία του χρήματος
The Children of the Swallow
A journalist (Alekos Alexandrakis), working together with a young director (Peris Michailidis), tries to gather information about a family that was separated due to political turmoil. They locate some of its members, who tell their dramatic stories that began with the Civil War. The two men’s search is interrupted when a key person refuses to speak
Η Πλούσια και το Γκαρσόνι
Sissy Ronasi
Ο σοφός και η Σοφία
Λόρδαν ο βάρβαρος
Ο σωφέρ και το μανούλι
The Enchantress
Combining Greek popular tradition and magic realist irrationalism, it tells the story of a 17-year-old youth who runs away from his village to find The Enchantress, a beautiful fairy feared by all. Travelling through an enchanted world of ghosts, spirits, imps and fairies, he leans what true love and passion really are.
Ράκος... Νο14 Και Ο Πρώτος Μπουνάκιας
A really skinny guy finds out that he has incredible strength in his punches. After starting a boxing career a lot of people try to take advantage of his talent.
Μούτρο το μουτράκι
Mara Traba
Θηλυκό θηριοτροφείο
Οι Επικίνδυνοι
Panos comes to Athens in search for a better life. He is fed up with life in the countryside, unemployment and the whole situation with his family. He hooks up with a bunch of ambitious- but unemployed- teenagers. One night at a disco, Panos beats up a guy who is asking for trouble. He leaves the club along with his friends. The other guy cannot calm down without taking revenge so he takes his friends and they beat up Panos & co. The following night, Panos rapes the guys sister. Afterwards he apologises and they start a relationship. She gets fired from the super market where she works for helping Panos steal. Panos cannot live in misery anymore and steals a yoghurt factory with the help of his friends. The ending is tragic...
Kamikazi, agapi mou
Sofia Pashalidi
Stathis loves bikes, Rena wants to dance all the time and Aleksis goes crazy for rock music. They are three crazy siblings. One of them, Stathis, doesn't seem capable to keep a job and when he loses his girlfriend, his mother decides to give him what he loves the most, a motorcycle!
Turning Point
Two young couples decide to run away from home and go to Athens in order to find the exciting life that they couldn't live at the country. The guys get busted for robbing a gas station while the girls start working at a night club. Daisy meets a young and handsome man named Panos. He is a motorcycle racing driver. They immediately start a destructive relationship. Panos tastes his first joint with her and soon they become heroin-addicts, willing to do anything in order to get their daily fix. The film goes on describing their downfall until the apocalyptic ending.
Good Evening to You
Stathis is a teenager who owns a pirate radio station that broadcasts at the same frequency used by another pirate radio station, owned by Stamatis and his friends. This leads to many conflicts between them, and as if this wasn't enough, Stathis is also desperately in love with Koula and has to face her huge boyfriend Kyriakos...
Οι Απέναντι
Stella's Daughter
The story of a young man who every day watches the inhabitants of the apartment across the street. They have a very beautiful daughter, but after a few days he finds himself in love with the mother...
Τα Τσακάλια
as Athina
In a television program dedicated to the problem of drugs, George tells the story of his life which was immersed in the mire of drugs and crime. The troubled relationship with his family, robberies, drugs will revive and the narrative will give an answer to whether love can finally save.