Jennifer Starr

Jennifer Starr

出生 : , Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA


Jennifer was born and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the daughter of supportive parents Dave and Audrey Starr. At age 18 she applied and was accepted with scholarship into AMDA; College and Conservatory for the Performing Arts in Los Angeles, California and graduated from the Conservatory program. It was at AMDA that Jennifer also passionately decided to begin training for a stunt career; taking multiple stage combat, sword work and weaponry courses and later receiving certification in multiple swords and unarmed work. Jennifer now resides in Los Angeles and continues to enjoy furthering her skill set for her acting, modeling and stunt career.


Jennifer Starr
Jennifer Starr


The Moving Picture Co. 1914
Vivian Desiree
In the early 1900s, Ellen, an aspiring actress, tries to find her lucky break in a studio where everything goes wrong.
Dracula: The Impaler
Seven high-school friends begin their Euro-trip at the actual castle of Vlad the Impaler where he supposedly sold his soul to the devil over 500 years earlier, but the decrepit castle's past envelopes them in a bloody ritual.
Fabulous High
A new, independently produced, LGBT series that focuses on the lives of several high school characters, facing the realities of teenagers today. Fabulous High incorporates LGBT themes, stories, and characters; however, the series also focuses on hot societal issues and topics. The fast paced and quick witted series, follows the characters' personal struggles with identity, acceptance, relationships, and well… high school.
ATAC Asst. #2
CIAは監視システムおよび粒子ビーム砲搭載の人工衛星「グレイザー1」を極秘裏に開発していた。そして打ち上げに成功し一同は安堵するが、その場にいるはずの設計者のトラヴィス・デイン博士の姿はなかった。人格に問題ありとみなされた彼は打ち上げを前に解雇され、それを苦に自殺したのだ。 一方、海軍を退役し、レストランのオーナーシェフとなっていたケイシー・ライバックは、疎遠になっていた姪のサラとの仲を修復するために北アメリカ大陸を横断する豪華列車の旅行を計画し、駅構内に来ていた。父親を亡くしたばかりのサラと久々の再会をするも、打ち解けずにそのまま列車に乗車する。列車には、二人の他にも「グレイザー1」を打ち上げたスタッフが乗車していた。列車は走り始め、しばらく平穏な旅が続いていたが、突如ハイテク機器を装備した数十人のテロリストに列車ごと占拠されてしまう。