Samia Chancrin

Samia Chancrin

出生 : 1983-01-19, München, Germany


Samia Chancrin


Halfway House
A facility for juvenile offenders in the middle of the Black Forest. Physical labor, uncompromising structure, circuit training and hierarchy. The disciplined inmate Jurek feels his status threatened by the arrival of the novice Sascha and finds himself caught in a delicate tension between fascinating attraction, suppressed aggression and rediscovered tenderness.
Seneca – On the Creation of Earthquakes
Rome in 65 AD, Emperor Nero‘s tyrannical regime has reached its zenith, Nero‘s self-indulgence and excessiveness brings up the opposition against him, conspiracies threaten his power. By all means Nero tries to defend his despotic claim of sovereignty. The famous philosopher Seneca has been Nero‘s teacher, mentor and close advisor since childhood, he is significantly involved in his ascent. Nevertheless, Nero gets weary of Seneca and Nero uses a foiled attack on his life to falsely accuse Seneca of being an accomplice.
Pelican Blood
Wiebke, a professional horse trainer, faces a unique challenge when she adopts Raya, a five-year-old girl, who is prone to violent outbursts because of her traumatic past.
Dengler - Brennende Kälte
Anne Müller
The young and lonesome 18year old Mercedes visits the legendary techno festival "Heimat" for the first time in her life. She is longingly hoping for experiences of proximity, joy and intensity. Instead, she finds herself confronted with the abysses of this alleged perfect world. In the end, Mercedes sees no way out without committing an act of violence.
第2次大戦末期。ドイツ軍から脱走したヘロルトは偶然ナチス将校の軍服を発見。軍服を着た彼は、勘違いした兵士に将校として扱われ…。<原題の"Hauptmann"はドイツ語で「大尉」。 第二次世界大戦末期、偶然の成り行きと言葉巧みなウソによって将校の威光を手に入れた脱走兵の若者が怪物的な独裁者に変貌していく様を描く。1945年にヴィリー・ヘロルトが引き起こした実際の事件をベースにしている。>
Forwards Ever!
Birgit Müller
A stage actor's turn as GDR leader Erich Honecker inspires an outlandish scheme to keep his daughter safe during the Leipzig protests of 1989.
The White Rabbit
Lilian Pagado
A young 13-years-old girl searches for love in the internet. But the truth about the persons behind the computers can be terrible.
Die Abschaffung
Sets & Props Supervisor
Die Abschaffung
The King's Surrender
Violent youth gangs and a police force way out of its depth. When a police operation goes awry and two policemen die, the powder keg threatens to ignite as the SWAT team knows only one goal: revenge - irrespective of the law.
Autistic Disco
A local hunter takes seven teenage dropouts to an isolated mountain farm in the German alps where they are met by a social worker and her assistant. It is their job to help them fit back into society. But the wild environment makes them even more estranged and agitated. They take advantage of the weaknesses of the social workers and the program turns into an open fight for regognition, identity and love...
Clarissa Leutwein