Hans-Peter Bögel


Engel über Europa - Rilke als Gottsucher
Essay film about the poet Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926).
Beak & Brain - Genius Birds from Down Under
Whoever came up with the term 'bird brain' never met these feathered thinkers, who use their claws and beaks to solve puzzles, make tools and more.
The Hidden Trail: Tracking Canada's Coastal Wolves
Documentary about Canada's sea wolves.
Like Nothing on Earth: The incredible life of slime moulds
Slime moulds is a somewhat unattractive name, but it describes a fantastic and fascinating life form. Karlheinz Baumann has studied these amazing creatures for more than twenty years, in the cloud forests of Canada, in the Emperor’s Garden in Tokyo, and in the woodlands on his own doorstep. His camera takes us into a strange and exciting world, mostly invisible to the naked eye, where days pass in seconds, and microscopic creatures become terrifying giants.
Ich widerspreche mir nicht...
A 1977 made-for-television documentary about the German writer Ernst Jünger.
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