Wong Yiu


The Buddhist Spell
Fantasy period piece. Some magic tree spirit lady and a young monk fight some bat-head guy.
Raiders of Losing Treasure
An international terrorist organization is behind the inheritance left by the father of a well known businesswoman in Taiwan. With the help of some of her workers, she will have to find out who is behind this evil organization.
Retreat of the Godfather
Kwong is a mafia king. When a rival gang steals a rare chinese artifact from him, he blaims his two "bag-men" and threatens to "cut their life" if they don't recover the treasure.
New Miracle Fighters
Awesome follow up to Yuen Woo Ping's Miracle Fighters. An afterlife official has been murdering people for fun. A Taoist priestess has been bottling the souls of dead children and giving the jars to gamblers. What will happen when hell's bureaucrats intervene?
Shaolin Drunkard
This very strange movie shows the sort of thing Yuen Woo-ping will do when he is left to his own designs and imagination. Even strange for him, this movie involves vampires, huge monster toads, and drunk monks. For some of the effects puppets were used, including a very creepy/realistic dummy version of the Drunk Monk. The fight scenes are very creative and show off Yuen Woo-ping's weird sense of style and choreography.
Stony Egg
少林寺から秘伝書が盗まれた。そこには、100年前に禁じられた“七殺拳”の全てが記されていた。それに対抗できるのは5つの獣を模した必殺拳“五獣拳”の使い手のみ。しかし、その秘伝書は100年前に紛失していた。そんなある日、少林寺に隕石が落下しその衝撃で書棚が倒れ、なんとそこから“五獣拳”を司る5人の妖精たちが出現。門弟のイーロンは、彼らから五獣拳を伝授される。その頃、七殺拳の秘伝書を手に入れたロク・チンが、拳法界を制圧すべく、名のある拳法家たちを次々に殺害。そのことを知ったイーロンは、五獣拳VS.七殺拳というロク・チンとの究極の対決に挑む! ロー・ウェイのプロダクション時代にジャッキーが主演した、SFチックな異色のカンフー・コメディ。真っ赤な長髪に白塗り姿という、妖精たちの衝撃的なビジュアル、そして、龍、蛇、虎、鶴、豹という5つの獣を模したカンフーの華麗さで、ファンに愛されるカルト作品だ。
The New Shaolin Boxers
Zhou's martial arts student
An honourable carriage driver finds love and death when he battles particularly homicidal street punks
Twin Sisters
Banker Fung Yan-tsang is a seasoned criminal in fraudulent activities. The righteous cat burglar Ham Siu-fo has issued a deadline for Fung to return the scammed money. Despite the obstacles put up by Fung's allies Chow Wai-pak and his stepwife Julie, Ham still manages to reclaim the money which is accordingly returned to the customers. In the process, Ham is reunited with her long-lost twin sister Katherine, Chow's daughter. Since losing her mother whose health took a turn for the worse after Chow's marriage to Julie, Ham has undertaken a chivalrous course in the footsteps of her aunt. She thwarts the scam marriage set up by Fung for Katherine and his idle son, using the servant Chu Yat-keung as bait, and exposes Fung's illicit affair with Julie. Crossing boundaries of class and wealth, the servant Chu and Katherine become man and wife. A happy Ham leaves, continuing to devote her life to the causes of social justice.
Girls are Flowers
Director Wong Yiu, recognising the spending power of a new demographic, was looking to create a teenage sensation for the factory girls. It soon became a social phenomenon in the 1960s. Former child star Connie Chan Po-chu fitted the bill perfectly with her doe-eyed innocence framed by silky long hair. In Girls are Flowers, she plays a young tutor falling in love with a handsome boy. However, their road to romance is paved with potholes and speed bumps. Chan's fellow former child star Nancy Sit plays the boy's younger sister who saves the day with her shrewd, nimble-minded plans. Sit's role may be small but with radiance from her glorious smile and beaming personality, she brightens up this musical romantic comedy like a fairy-tale nymph.
Movie-fan Princess
A Cantonese factory woman obsessed with a famous Wuxia actor, has her fantasy crushed after discovering he is not the charming and humble person his movies portray him as. - Matthew E Carter
A Reserve Bride
Lee Kei-hau is happily married with a son. His wife Wong Tai-chu, who has been complaining of discomfort lately, goes to see a doctor where her friend Wong Mau works as an assistant. Wong mixes up her report with that of a cancer patient. Believing her days are numbered, Tai-chu discusses with her mother to choose a second wife for Lee and finds the nurse So Lin-yung, Mau's girlfriend. Mau feels obligated to adhere to her request to hire So as family nurse. Lee urges his wife to make regular exercise a habit to improve her health but when his advice falls on deaf ears, he spurs her to action by dating the nurse. Infuriated by his wife's unexpected exhilaration, Lee accuses her of having an affair with Mau. Tai-chu retaliates by displaying great affection towards a man, her girlfriend Judy in disguise. Lee chases after the beau relentlessly and is told the truth by Judy. Mau's blunder is patched up with a smile, for his lover So, and for the reconciled couple Tai-chu and Lee.
The Monkey Soldiers Come to the Rescue
The Monkey Soldiers Come to the Rescue is a Hong Kong Drama starring Sammo Hung in a child role