Takashi Watanabe


Attack from Space
Director of Photography
The superhero Starman is sent by the Emerald Planet to protect Earth from belligerent aliens from the Sapphire Galaxy. The Sapphireans (or "Spherions") kidnap Dr. Yamanaka and force him to use his spaceship against the Earth.
Evil Brain from Outer Space
Director of Photography
An evil brain from outer space unleashes monsters with deadly diseases on Earth with trying to conquer the universe. Superhero Starman must battle them all to save his planet.
Atomic Rulers
Director of Photography
Super criminals are planning to infiltrate Earth with mass nuclear destruction! Only Starman can defend civilization by thwarting evil!
Invaders from Space
Director of Photography
A bunch of pernicious salamander men from the planet Kulimon in the Moffit Galaxy plan on taking over Earth by unleashing a lethal plague on mankind. It's up to valiant superhero Starman from the Emerald Planet to save the human race before it's too late.
民謡の旅 秋田おばこ
Director of Photography
A cosmetics saleswoman falls for a rival executive.
Director of Photography
Hibari Misora plays a singing guide, who is secretly in love, her fortunes turn for the worse when a gangster’s henchman hears her singing and takes a liking to her beautiful voice. The trouble starts when her family borrows money from the gangsters, setting off a series of incidents which lead to tragedy.
Director of Photography
A touching drama about a love triangle between a young architect, Koroku, and two women, Ranko and Teruko. Ranko comes from a wealthy family and is offering to repay Koroku’s family debts in exchange for marriage, but Koroku is in love with his landlord’s daughter, Teruko. Things are further complicated when the wicked Tsugawa takes interest in both women, for his own marriage.
Director of Photography
民謡の旅 桜島 おてもやん
Director of Photography
Yumemi, the president of Shirayuri Tours, visits Kagoshima in an attempt to save the contract with Satsuma Inn. After learning about the abrupt cancellation of the contract with the family-run Satsuma Inn in Kagoshima, Yumemi, launches her own investigation into the matter. Amidst her efforts to resume her company’s contract with the inn, Yumemi finds herself personally involved in the inn’s family affairs and with their guests in a surprising discover of love and friendship.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A geisha helps a runaway who looks just like her.
Director of Photography
横溝正史の同名小説を「ひばり民謡の旅 べらんめえ芸者佐渡へ行く」の渡辺邦男脚本・監督により映画化。共同脚本は「維新の篝火」の結束信二。撮影は「ひばり民謡の旅 べらんめえ芸者佐渡へ行く」の渡辺孝、音楽は「新黄金孔雀城 七人の騎士」シリーズの山田栄一が担当した。原作を大きく逸脱したストーリー、スポーツカーを駆り美人秘書を従える金田一耕助と、異色の内容となっている。  人気歌手の和泉須磨子が鬼首町鬼塚村に里帰りする途中で何者かに惨殺される事件が発生。死体の横にあるラジオからは彼女の新曲「鬼首村手毬唄」が流れていた。鬼首町警察の磯川警部らが事件を担当することになり、名探偵として知られる金田一耕助も温泉宿に泊まり調査を開始する。須磨子の生家である仁礼家は鬼塚一の富豪だったが、当主の剛造はなぜか手毬唄に怯えていた。剛造の長男の源一郎と次女の里子は、半年前に剛造のもとに届いた脅迫状が須磨子の死と関係があるとにらむが、その源一郎は直後に死体で発見されてしまう。金田一耕助はそれが他殺であることを見破るが、村のお告げ婆から湯治客の放庵が村の暗い過去を知っていると教えられるのだった。
ひばり民謡の旅シリーズ べらんめぇ藝者佐渡へ行く
Director of Photography
Japanese comedy film.
水戸黄門 海を渡る
Director of Photography
Daiei Film Company's three biggest stars shine in this exciting story about Vice-Shogun Mito Komon's journey to the land of the Ainu. As the shogun's uncle, Lord Mito traveled about the nation seeking to make sure that corruption and injustice did not go unpunished. Traveling together with his two faithful bodyguards Kaku and Suke, they board ship for a voyage to the far northern island of Ezo (modern day Hokkaido) where the indigenous people called "Ainu" live. Somewhat like American Indians, the Ainu had their own culture which had not been subjugated by the Matsumae clan, rulers of the vast island. A revolt is brewing within the leadership of the Ainu, which threatens to destroy their peaceful lives. The elder lord and his retinue are the only ones who can stop this reign of terror!
風来物語 あばれ飛車
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Hebihime sama
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
During the 1200's, legendary Buddhist monk Nichiren returns from his studies to lead Japan out of moral crisis and prepare to fight Mongol invaders by creating a new form of Buddhism. He runs afoul of the existing Buddhist sects and their government supporters and is persecuted. Can Nichiren persevere before the Mogol fleet reaches Japanese shores?
おこんの初恋 花嫁七変化
Director of Photography
A fox in disguise, Okon, returns the favor to a man who rescued her from a fatal trap.
The beautiful daughter of a merchant with a penchant for danger proves to be too much to handle for her worried father. Disguising herself as a man and changing her name, she heads for the capital...
Japan, 1701. A group of samurai become rônin after their lord is forced to commit seppuku for assaulting a court official, who will become the target of a merciless revenge.
Director of Photography
Meiji Tenno portrayed the ramp up to the Russo-Japan War. In addition to showing the political events that led to war, it also showed the era from the story of a farm family in rural Japan who sent their son off to war. As such, it could be considered an anti-war movie, showing how, while war is devised by governments, the people do not really understand what war is, and it's combatants often do not know what they are fighting for.
An exciting historical drama in which a beautiful woman secretly solves the family problems of the Owari clan. Hibari Misora plays two roles: a charming princess and a dashing youngster, performs songs and dances throughout the film until the big decisive battle.
The third instalment in the Shacho Series.
Director of Photography
Kusuo Abe stars in this kaidan.
Director of Photography
Japanese comedy film.
Scammer Horikawa Shinbei hopes to make a quick buck using Namie, a stripper under his control.
Director of Photography
旗本退屈男 謎の怪人屋敷
Director of Photography
犬神家の謎 悪魔は踊る
Director of Photography
Early adaptation of the book "The Inugami Clan", featuring the detective Kōsuke Kindaichi.
爆笑天国 とんち教室
Director of Photography
続南国太平記 薩南の嵐
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Adaptation of the Riichi Yokomitsu novel.
The first film in the 1953 trilogy based on the long novel series The Great Bodhisattva Pass.
Director of Photography
Kingoro Yanagiya's 100th film.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
1952 Japanese film directed by Kunio Watanabe.
はだか大名 後篇
Director of Photography
はだか大名 前篇
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
In Nihonbashi, a fire broke out in the Kodenma-cho prison, and the prisoners were released. With the proviso that if the prisoner does not return within three days, or if he leaves Edo Prefecture, he will be sentenced to death. Prisoner Yakichi went to Matsumoto to see his mother, who was in critical condition. However, Yoriki Matsukura tries to catch Yakichi and bring him to execution.