Catherine Tate


Strawberry Mansion
Visual Effects Supervisor
In the not-too-distant future, an all-seeing surveillance state conducts “dream audits” to collect taxes on the unconscious lives of the populace. Mild-mannered government agent James Preble travels to a remote farmhouse to audit the dreams of Arabella “Bella” Isadora, an eccentric, aging artist. Entering Bella’s vast VHS archive, which contains a lifetime of dreams, Preble stumbles upon a secret that offers him a chance at love—and hope for escape.
The Mentor
A wanna-be filmmaker persuades a reluctant film director into giving a mentorship when suddenly they are both kidnapped by an enigmatic gang.
The Mentor
Visual Effects Supervisor
A wanna-be filmmaker persuades a reluctant film director into giving a mentorship when suddenly they are both kidnapped by an enigmatic gang.
VFX Supervisor
A young woman in the Army must make tough decisions when her love for an older woman causes her to question just where she is going. Adapted from Deb Shoval's 2011 short film of the same name.
Visual Effects Supervisor
When an Asian American girl from the wrong side of the tracks is accepted by a prestigious university, she finds that her academic prowess can be put to lucrative use.
Approaching the Unknown
Visual Effects Supervisor
Captain William Stanaforth is on a one-way solo mission to take the first steps in colonising Mars. Like all pioneers throughout history, Stanaforth will face insurmountable odds and life and death decisions as he rockets bravely through space.
Visual Effects Supervisor
In the Ottoman province of Hijaz during World War I, a young Bedouin boy experiences a greatly hastened coming of age as he embarks on a perilous desert journey to guide a British officer to his secret destination.
Visual Effects Supervisor
A mother, unable to confront the heartbreak of her son leaving for college, delays his departure by making him sick. Unfortunately, she goes too far.
Compositing Supervisor
ケイデン・コタードはニューヨークに住む劇作家。平凡だった彼の日常は、ある日を境に変わっていく。 額を切って病院へ行けば、原因不明の病気と診断され、家族からは、自分が演出した自信満々の舞台をけなされる。 夫婦仲も上手くいかず、遂には愛する妻と娘に捨てられてしまう。新しい恋人を作ろうとするも、優柔不断で逃げられて…。 そんな失敗続きで、人生に嫌気がさしていた彼の元に、マッカーサー・フェロー賞(別名“天才賞”)を受賞した知らせが届く。 大金と名誉を手に入れた彼は、人生をやり直そうとそのすべてを注ぎ込んだ、一世一代のプロジェクトを実行する。 それは、自分の頭の中に思い描いた理想のニューヨークを本物のニューヨークの中にもう一つ作り、誰も見たことのない舞台を上演する事だった。
Digital Compositors
最近、警察の検査官に昇進したジェシカ・シェパード(アシュリー・ジャッド)は、深刻な心理的問題を抱えており、連続殺人犯の跡をたどっています。 彼女は、犠牲者が彼女がセックスした男性であることを、恐ろしく発見します。 この状況は、彼女を主な容疑者にします。