Isao Hashimoto

出生 : 1941-12-26, Ichikawa, Chiba Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 2000-02-12


Takashi Katagiri
Kizaki, who moved to Tokyo from the Kansai region to become a manga artist, is assigned to work at a used electrical appliance store where he works part-time as a store keeper and repairman. One day, a woman comes to the store drenched from the rain. She is Setsuko, the only daughter of the store's president and a returnee. Since then, Setsuko often comes to the store. Kizaki becomes concerned about Setsuko, but Setsuko has something to do with Oshi, a senior who used to work at the store...
The Ebara family, a typical middle-class family living in downtown Tokyo. When her mother-in-law sold a mountain, a large amount of 70 million yen came in, and with that as a down payment, she got her longing detached house. A slapstick drama for each family is unfolded on the stage of a dream home.
This gripping docudrama is a fictionalized account of what could happen to a Japanese family when one of their sons shames them in front of the entire nation.
Detective Yasaka
A woman's life is irrevocably altered when a young murderer stumbles into her home.
By all indications, an anti-government conspiracy is brewing in the Satsuma Domen. Already seven oniwaban spies sent by the shogunate have infiltrated Satsuma in order to scout everything on the spot. However, they had all disappeared, and it was unclear whether they were alive or dead. Kenzaburo Kamiya and Iori Matsumura successfully infiltrate as the eighth and ninth spies and witness law-breaking exercises using a cannon. However, soon Satsuma men found them and drove them to the cliff...
日本の熱い日々 謀殺・下山事件
The president of the Japanese National Railways is found dead during a period in which train service is plagued by numerous layoffs, strikes and shutdowns. The government says that the president was murdered; the police claim it was a suicide. A quizzical reporter follows the case for years, but the basic question remains unanswered: was the victim killed by members of the burgeoning Communist movement in Japan, or was the death stage-managed by the authorities in hopes of discrediting the Communists?
Detective Shimada
Sergeant Shima
Gensuke Iguchi
Kumokiri Nizaemon, a former samurai warrior, has abandoned his class to become the leader of a gang of thieves. He leads his outlaws in an attempt to rob the castle of his former clan.
Suicide has long been used as a form of social protest in Japan. In this film, set in 1703, samurai culture is being transformed by the emergence of a new merchant class. Elements of the social contract are beginning to unravel, and some unscrupulous people took undue advantage of these changes before the social order was re-created. In this story, a rich merchant gives his clerk an I.O.U. instead of wages. When the impoverished clerk presents the paper to the merchant at the agreed upon time asking for payment, the man flies into a rage and pretends he never wrote it and claims the clerk is trying to defraud him. Then he sets his henchmen on the clerk to administer a beating.
Research worker
スターウォーズブームの中製作された、映画「海底軍艦」の宇宙版リメイク。1980年代、世界各地でUFO騒ぎがおき、また電波障害により大混乱が発生した。これを宇宙からの侵略の前兆と捉えた国連宇宙局・宇宙防衛軍 (UNSF) は、宇宙防衛艦の設計建造を滝川正人に依頼、一方で隊員の訓練を開始した。しかし次第にその騒ぎは収まり、滝川は平和な地球には必要ないとして宇宙防衛艦の建造を中止、退任してしまった。 1988年秋、再びUFO騒動と大規模な通信障害が発生。国連宇宙局の三好は宇宙防衛艦「轟天」を完成させる使命を帯び、滝川を説得するため日本に帰還する。滝川は消極的だったが、彼を暗殺しようとした刺客から三好、室井、冬木によって救われる。さらに、宇宙ステーション・テラが「巨大なローマ船」という通信を残して爆発。国防軍は滝川に轟天の建造の再開と乗員の編成を要請する。 敵のUFOヘル・ファイターによって世界各地の大都市と地上の国連軍基地が壊滅状態となる中、滝川は隊員達を再招集、太平洋マウグ島で轟天の完成を急ぐ。侵入した工作員の妨害も排除しつつ轟天は完成、地球上を飛び回っていたヘル・ファイターを全滅させ、侵略軍の前線基地がある金星へと進撃を開始する。しかしその途中、三笠の遺体に扮して侵入した敵兵によって滝川の娘・ジュンが拉致されてしまう。三好は冬木達とともに、敵艦の心臓部爆破とジュンの救出のため大魔艦に潜入する。
東京で暮らしている青年・寺田辰弥は、自分を探していた母方の祖父・井川丑松が目の前で変死したことを機に、生まれ故郷の八つ墓村を訪れる。そこは戦国時代、村人たちによって8人の落ち武者が惨殺されたという忌まわしい歴史をもつ土地だった。帰郷した辰弥の周りでは次々と奇怪な殺人事件が起こり…。 横溝正史の同名ミステリー小説を、巨匠・野村芳太郎監督が映画化。渥美清演じる名探偵・金田一耕助が事件の謎を解き明かす。
The Legend of Love & Sincerity: Conclusion
Meet Saotome Ai, a high school girl from a well-to-do family. When she was a small child, she was in an accident that resulted in a young boy being permanently scarred between his eyes while she emerged unscathed. The young boy saved her life and although she never knew who he was, she never forgot him. Meet Taiga Makoto, a young man with a scar between his eyes who has had a rough life, but has emerged as a rough, tough bully - a thug and a brawler and about as rude as they come - all of which he blames on the incident that gave him his scar. When Ai and Makoto run into each other again, Ai feels guilt for what Makoto has become and decides to intervene and rehabilitate him. But is he a diamond in the rough, or just a bully?
Akiyama is an intern, disgusted with the noise pollution caused by the bullet trains and the heart attacks that noise has been causing in older hospital patients, plots to disrupt and, in ten days, destroy a unit of the operation. He warns the Japan National Railway, that, if nothing is done to reduce the noise, he will derail a bullet train. Takigawa is the police detective sent to stop him.
The second film tells about the life of matured brothers and sister Sato. Taro became a foreman. He saves every yen to fulfill his dream of building his own house with stone gates. Jiro continues to work in the transportation office, he dreams of getting married. Saburo faces a moral problem: in order to get a good position, he must answer the questions of the entrance test differently than his conscience tells him. At the exam, Saburo does not hide his views on life and is deprived of the promised position. Orie and Suekiti believe that he did wrong and betrayed his older brothers. But the anxiety in the Sato family is not limited to these events. Orie was being asked to marry a handsome, well-established young man, but she suddenly announced her decision to marry Tozaka, who was suffering from radiation sickness. Sato's peaceful home is falling apart...
"Young People" is a story about the lives of four brothers and a sister, Sato. After the death of his parents, the older brother, Taro, who works in construction, decides to replace them. The second brother, Jiro, is a truck driver. The third, Saburo, is a student, dreams of a better future for the whole family are connected with him, with his career. Brothers and sisters are fighting to give him a higher education. And, finally, the youngest of the brothers, Suekichi, is also going to enter the university after graduation. The life of the Sato family is complicated. Taro is kind, but limited, not always able to find a common language with his brothers and sister Orie. The girl cannot stand the despotism of her brother, leaves her home and goes to work at the factory. With her departure, everything in the house goes upside down. Suekichi fails her university entrance exams, Orie is forced to return to her family.
Kônosuke Fujii
A pair of down-on-their-luck swordsmen arrive in a dusty, windblown town, where they become involved in a local clan dispute. One, previously a farmer, longs to become a noble samurai. The other, a former samurai haunted by his past, prefers living anonymously with gangsters. But when both men discover the wrongdoings of the nefarious clan leader, they side with a band of rebels who are under siege at a remote mountain cabin.
Before leaving prison, Oida uncomfortably enters into an agreement with his cell mate: in exchange for a half-share of 30,000,000 yen, he is to assassinate three strangers given to him on a list. However, upon meeting his first potential victim, Oida has second thoughts. Yet, even as he tries to back out, the body count starts climbing. Oida must now try to alert the people on his list of their impending danger, and find out why they are being targeted in the first place.
The last judgment.
The final part of the trilogy. It is about a younger brother, Suekichi. He learned well the lessons that life taught his older brothers. Therefore, he does not think to study, but strives for material well-being alone. To make a career, he ruthlessly pushes his colleagues with his elbows. For him, the high ideals of trade union activists Jiro and Saburo are an example of old-fashioned thinking, naive behavior.