Frank Peluso


Red Handed
When their father is murdered, three brothers descend upon an Oregon mountain river to spread his ashes. After they arrive, one of their children goes missing. One of the brothers was himself abducted 30 years ago when they visited this same river, but he has blocked the incident out of his mind. Only by unlocking the mysteries inside his subconscious, will they be able find the child.
Red Handed
When their father is murdered, three brothers descend upon an Oregon mountain river to spread his ashes. After they arrive, one of their children goes missing. One of the brothers was himself abducted 30 years ago when they visited this same river, but he has blocked the incident out of his mind. Only by unlocking the mysteries inside his subconscious, will they be able find the child.
Bailiff #2
アルファ・ドッグ 破滅へのカウントダウン
Gay 'Lumpy' Yeager
Johnny Trueloveは自分をタフだと思いたがっている。彼は、裏社会の人物と麻薬の売人の息子です。また、自分の思い通りにならないことがあると、強気に出るのも好きだ。ジェイク・マズルスキーがジョニーへの支払いを怠ると、ジョニーと彼の「ギャング」がジェイクの15歳の弟を誘拐して人質にしたため、マズルスキー家にとって事態は悪化する。今の問題は、「盗まれた少年」をどうするか?