Doty Hobart

出生 : 1886-09-28, Vermont, USA

死亡 : 1958-11-16


Parisian Nights
American sculptress Adele La Rue, working in Paris, lacks the inspiration to create a masterpiece, until Jean Ballard, a wild apache leader, takes refuge from the police in her apartment.
The Circus Cowboy
Scenario Writer
After a 2-year absence, Buck Saxon returns home to find his girl, Norma, married to the town's wealthiest citizen, Ezra Bagley, yet professing to love Buck. Unjustly accused of attempting to murder Bagley, he escapes and joins a circus, where he falls in love with Bird, a tightrope walker.
The Vagabond Trail
Scenario Writer
Searching for his wayward brother, saddle tramp Donnegan (Buck Jones) gets in trouble with a bully and is thrown off a freight train
Not a Drum Was Heard
Jack Mills comes to the aid of a friend, Bud Loupel (William Scott), who has robbed a bank to keep up his house payments.
Scenario Writer
A young man is bet $100,000 that his famous luck can hold out and he can make that sum in one year's time, literally starting with nothing. He proceeds to Pennsylvania, where prize fight winnings are used to build a new town.
The Beauty Shop
Dr. Budd is a New York physician specializing in "beauty". His business is successful but he is still plagued by money problems. One day he gets an idea--he obtains the coat-of-arms of a long-forgotten Italian noble family, the Bolognias, and uses it as his logo on his line of beauty products.
Find the Woman
This whodunit bears no relation to the 1918 picture of the same name, but both films coincidentally had the same director, Tom Terriss. When sleazy theatrical agent Maurice Beiner (Arthur Donaldson) is found stabbed to death in his office, just about everybody is a suspect -- there's aspiring actress Clancy Deane (Eileen Huban), who was one of the last people to see him alive, and Sophie Carey (Alma Rubens) who knows he has some love letters she wrote to Judge Walbrough (George MacQuarrie) before she married her alcoholic husband, Don (Henry Sedley). Or is it Marc Weber (Norman Kerry), who had a falling out with Beiner, or Weber's devoted wife, Fay (Ethel Duray)?
Boomerang Bill
Scenario Writer
When New York City police officer O'Malley learns of a young man who is about to embark on a life of crime by taking part in a robbery, he takes the boy aside and tells him the story of Boomerang Bill, another wanna-be gangster who wanted to be a big shot in the New York crime scene. It seems that Bill fell for a pretty young dance-hall girl, and went up against local gang boss Tony the Wop when he insulted her. Tony, who never forgot a slight, found a way to make things very, very tough for Boomerang Bill, in a way that he never saw coming.
My Lady o' the Pines
Scenario Writer
Norah Collison is a young woman who owns a huge timberland in Maine, full of white pines. As she arrives to take control of her company, the manager and agent are planning to log the woods and steal the pines.
The Woman God Changed
A Woman of Redemption
Gene Romaine lives in the solitude of Tall Pine Mountain with her father, fire warden for the Stanton Lumber Company. They live alone, but her mother's grave is in the little clearing and the father has promised never to leave it. To them comes McDaniels, the logging boss, who is attracted by Jean and offers her father to discard his Indian wife for the young girl. Romaine indignantly refuses and is threatened with dismissal. Gene, knowing he cannot bear to leave his wife's grave, assents to the marriage in spite of her father's protests. Stanton, chief owner of the lumber company, maroons his worthless son in the woods, in the hope of reforming him. Gene takes care of him when he sprains his ankle, and he protects her from McDaniels and is blamed for the murder of the boss when his vengeful Indian wife stabs him in the back.
Baby Mine
Madge Kennedy plays a young bride whose husband walks out after a quarrel. Hoping to make him come crawling back, Kennedy pretends to have given birth to a baby. Complications ensue when Morgan returns home, demanding to see his new kid.
The classic story of a flower girl from the slums who becomes Sapho.
Great Expectations
Under Cover
A woman returning from a trip to Paris must help U.S. customs inspectors find a valuable necklace suspected to be in the possession of a fellow traveler. The film is presumed lost.
The Perilous Swing
Helen is enjoying a ride on her horse, "Hazard," after her day's work, when news comes that "Red" Purdy and his aides are escaping after making a big haul. When the automobile in which they are escaping breaks down they take to a handcar. Helen pursues them down the track while the Sheriff and his posse set out to head them off on a short cut.
The Man in Hiding
Tom Ingraham, who has been rescued from the clutches of Lina, a siren, meets Ruth. Knowing the marriage would please his wealthy uncle Macy, Tom makes the girl his wife. Ruth soon discovers the marriage to be a loveless one. Tom's hopes of inheriting a fortune are blasted when Macy is ruined.
The Maker of Dreams
It is Mrs. Merwin's desire that her son, Harold, marry Rena, an heiress. To this end, she gives a week-end party in the heiress's honor. Harold, of a studious nature, finds himself unable to stand the chatter of the guests and strikes out towards the woods. Attracted by the music, Lorna approaches the mansion.
The Crooked Path
Lynn and Alan both love Mary. Because he deems it his duty to support his widowed mother, Lynn hides his love although he is the favored suitor. Piqued, Mary becomes Alan's wife. Both boys work in the village bank. Lynn comes upon Alan while the latter is intoxicated and helps him home. Thus Lynn meets Mary for the first time since her marriage. Alan witnesses this meeting. His jealousy aroused, the man orders Lynn from his house. Obsessed by a desire for revenge, Alan steals a sum of money from the bank and falsifies Lynn's books so as to make it appear that the latter had committed the crime.
Honor Thy Father
Although it means the mortgaging of their home, Roger Dayton's parents send him to law school. Selfish and ungrateful, the boy forgets all about the old folks after his graduation.
The Haunting Fear
Lured by Diana, Katherine runs away from home. The foolish girl is soon drawn into the whirlpool. She meets Mace, a notorious man-about-town, and is fascinated by him. Doctor Busby, an insane physician, recognizes in Mace the man who had caused his daughter's death. Shortly afterward, Katherine discovers Mace's real character. Wild with rage, she stabs him.
The Fiend at the Throttle
Rita, a telegraph operator, informed that a freight train which is due to pass her station filled with high explosives is about to be overtaken by a passenger train on the same track with a madman at the controls, leaps onto a handcar, which she crashes into the passenger train and thus stops it; she jumps onto the cowcatcher, and into the cab of the engine, where, after a hard struggle with the fiend, she manages to overcome him and sidetrack the passenger train thus preventing disaster.
The Phoney Cannibal
Ham fears he has accidentally killed his landlady so he and Bud go on the run, disguised as a missionary and a cannibal.
The Stolen Ruby
Patrolman Killegren, seated alone in his home, is startled by the sound of shooting. Rushing outside, he meets several officers who inform him that two thieves, attempting to escape, had entered his cottage. Positive that no one had entered the house, Killegren conducts the policemen through the building. The father is startled, upon entering his son Alex's room, to find the boy at home. Knowing that his son could not have been in the room more than five minutes, Killegren is filled with a terrible suspicion.
The Scorpion's Sting
Discovered by Marston in the act of robbing the safe, Mann, the crook, shoots and slays him. The murderer escapes, carrying with him a casket containing jewels. So strongly do circumstances point to Lyda, Marston's daughter, as the slayer, that she is tried for the crime. Despite the evidence of the butler and other servants, who tell of a violent quarrel between Lyda and her father just prior to the shooting, the girl is acquitted.
The Mystery of the Sleeping Death
A mystery film in which two people fall into a mysterious sleep coma; an Oriental hypnotist then tries to reawaken them.