Lukas Engel

Lukas Engel

出生 : , Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Lukas Engel is a Canadian stage and screen child actor.


Lukas Engel
Lukas Engel
Lukas Engel
Lukas Engel


パウ・パトロール カーレース大作戦 GO! GO!
今日は待ちに待ったカーレース “アドベンチャーベイ・グランプリ"の決勝戦の日。パウ・パトロールはマシンの整備をするピットクルーになり、レース中のトラブルもパウっと解決!だけどそこにライバール市長とニャンパトロールが登場して、何やらズルい作戦を立てているぞ。大人気レーサーのヒューンがレースの途中、トラブル発生で運転できなくなっちゃった!?そんなヒューンの代わりにレースに出場することになったのは、なんとマーシャル!ハラハラドキドキのカーレースの行方は、はたして…!?
New Kid Placement Committee
Checkmate #1
Many of our Toronto students have experienced being new at some point: They’ve moved to new schools, new neighbourhoods, and even new countries. They created a story about the difficulties of trying to fit into a new environment while still being true to yourself. By exaggerating the experience for comedic effect, their film puts viewers in their shoes, and shows how overwhelming it can be to be the new kid.
Bathroom Rules
A 10-year-old, gender non-conforming student navigates his way through the school, in search of a safe washroom.
Magical Christmas Ornaments
When Marie begins receiving ornaments from her mother, a new coincidental blessing comes with each one, causing Marie to feel more excited for the holidays than she has in years. Marie’s once-lost Christmas spirit gets another boost when she meets her handsome neighbor Nate and feels a spark with him while celebrating the season.
Noah's Truck
A heartfelt story about 3 separate family struggles. While Noah's parents have a difficult time saving their marriage, they struggle to understand what it takes to raise their 4 year old son with Autism. Alongside that, after being diagnosed with Leukaemia, 5 year old Franki and her young, single-mother Lucy are facing this scary and new, world alone. Both Ben and Jacob are looking their worst nightmare in the face when they are suddenly forced to move in with their estranged Father after the sudden passing of their Mother. But how are they all connected?
ナッツジョブ リバティパーク奪還作戦!!
Additional Voices (voice)
公園で暮らすリスのサーリーと仲間たちは腹黒い市長が公園をつぶして遊園地を作る計画を進めていることを知る。 サーリーは自分たちの住処を守るために路上で活動する白ネズミのギャング団と手を組み、 重機の侵入を阻止しようとする。
Paw Patrol: Mission Big Screen
Marshall (voice)
There's no screen too big and no pup too small in this 'Pawsome' cinema experience. Join Ryder, Chase, Marshall, Skye and the rest of the PAW Patrol as they take on em'bark' on adventures in Adventure Bay and beyond.
First Round Down
Bully (uncredited)
Tim Tucker was a star forward who broke a knee and never got drafted to the NHL. After the injury, Tim left hockey and became a hitman. Ten years later he finds himself back in town to look after his brother Matthew, with a chance to set things right. But will his past wreak havoc with his shot at redemption?
Odd Squad: The Movie
Assistant to Big O
Odd squad maybe shutting down due to a new team in town the Weird Team. All the previous agents come back and fight with all the new.
The Shallow End
Christian, a 20-yr-old swim teacher, is having a hard time recovering from an incident where one his students almost drowns on his watch.