Boris Aretskiy


The Last Relic
Special Effects
A medieval love story with lots of adventures. The times are troubled - there's a revolt of peasants going on. To secure its safety a monastery chases for a relics of a holy Brigitte. A nobleman promises to get it if he gets beautiful Agnes as a reward. But she fells in love with a handsome adventurer. The monastery has to act shrewd now and play double game. The movie is still the best achievement of the Estonian cinema. Based on a novel.
The Russian Forest
Special Effects
Based on the novel of the same name by Leonid Leonov. Young Polya comes to Moscow: she wants to find her father, Professor Vikhrov, and try to understand why her mother broke up with him. Vikhrov is a prominent scientist who has defended the forest from barbaric destruction all his life. The war begins. Professor Vikhrov continues to lecture, proving to students the need to protect the forest. Polya is trying to find out the reasons for the long-standing feud between her father and academician Gratsianskiy. Now, when Vikhrov is already not young and lonely, the professor mentally returns to the past...
Gloomy Morning
Camera Operator
The third film in the trilogy ("The Sisters", "The Eighteenth Year", "The Gloomy Morning") based on the novel by Aleksei Tolstoy "The Road to Calvary". About the fate of the Russian intelligentsia against the background of the collapse of the Russian Empire and the civil war, which turned the lives of all the heroes of the film narration. Defending Tsaritsyn, the red commander Telegin was seriously wounded. At the hospital, he meets Dasha. After his recovery, the young spouses go together to the Red Army.
The Idiot
Camera Operator
The film is based on the first part of the novel of the same name by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Prince Myshkin returns to Russia from Switzerland, where he was treated in a psychiatric clinic. On the train, on the way to St.Petersburg, the prince meets Parfyon Rogozhin, who tells him of his passionate love for Nastasya Filippovna, the former containment woman of the millionaire Totsky. In St.Petersburg, the prince finds himself in the house of his distant relative – Lizaveta Yepanchina (General's wife), meets her husband, their daughters, as well as the Secretary of General – Ganya Ivolgin. The portrait of Nastasya Filippovna, accidentally seen on the general’s table, makes a great impression on the prince...
Moscow Skies
Special Effects
Based on the play of the same name by Georgi Mdivani. In September 1941, lieutenant Ilya Streltsov, who graduated from the flight school, was assigned to the fighter aviation regiment guarding the sky of Moscow. He meets in part the nurse Zoya, with whom he grew up in the same yard and with whom he has long been in love. During the first training flight on the "Seagull", lieutenant Streltsov shot down a German plane and received the nickname "Lucky." Streltsov is jealous of the squadron commander to nurse Zoya, believes that he is finding fault with him. For a whole month he is not allowed to fly sorties. In October 1941, lieutenant Streltsov made his first sortie, he shot down one plane and rams the second. For this battle, he is awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Camera Operator
Lovely telegraph operator Masha Stepanova is a sanitary nurse. During a training alarm, she meets a taxi driver Alexei (Alyosha) Solovyov. He reads verses to a girl and invites her to the theater. But at the appointed time, Alyosha doesn't come, and Mashenka finds him, helps to recover. Young people fell in love with each other, but Alexei was too frivolous, and brings the girl a lot of sorrows and insults. Because of Alexei’s hobby for another girl, Masha breaks up with him. But she will be able to convey her faithful and true-hearted feeling through years of separation and the hardships of wartime, and when they meet again at the front of the Finnish War, Solovyov realizes what a gift of fate was meeting him with this girl.
Four Hearts
Camera Operator
The plot is built around two charming sisters — a strict, wayward Galina, an assistant professor of mathematics, and a windy, frivolous student Shurochka. Despite the fact that the girls are so different, they are looking, of course, for one thing — love. The events take place in the summer pre-war Moscow and in the country where both sisters go: one in order to prepare for the re-examination, the other — to conduct math classes with the military from the Yuryev Camps located near the dacha village. Funny and difficult situations, intrigues, tears, joy — all this will be experienced by young girls on the way to their happiness.