Frédéric Moreau


Lighting Technician
Visual Effects Director
Vincent has an extraordinary ability: his strength and reflexes increase tenfold when in contact with water. To make full use of this gift, he settles in a region with many lakes and rivers, which is isolated enough to allow him to live a peaceful life. Then, one day, during an aquatic escapade, he encounters Lucie.
Venus in Fur
Visual Effects
An enigmatic actress may have a hidden agenda when she auditions for a part in a misogynistic writer's play.
Visual Effects Designer
Bienvenue en Suisse
Visual Effects Producer
Thierry, ethnologue spécialiste des lapons, se rend dans sa Suisse natale avec sa compagne, Sophie, pour assister à l'enterrement de sa grand-mère. Il y retrouve sa famille et découvre qu'il a hérité de deux millions de francs suisses, mais que pour les obtenir il va devoir faire semblant de s'adapter aux valeurs et mode de vie suisse qu'il avait rejeté. Pour ce faire il va accepter une sorte de formation accélérée prodiguée par son cousin suisse Aloïs, qui aurait plutôt des vues sur Sophie.
Visual Effects Producer
A wedding is an opportunity for three couples of different generations to question commitment and the strength of love.
The Vanishing Lion
Visual Effects Producer
An adventure of three characters: Clarisse, a psychic’s apprentice, Lazare, who works at the Parisian catacombs, and the bronze statue of a lion at the Denfert-Rochereau (in the 14th arrondissement). Clarisse and Laraze meet daily, but one day Lazare disappears and the lion disappears as well!
Visual Effects Producer
自分に課した3つのルールを厳格に守りつつ犯罪すれすれの運び屋家業を続けるフランク。ある日いつものように運び屋の依頼が舞い込む。指定された時刻に指定重量のバッグを運ぶ。簡単ないつもの仕事のはずだったが、車のパンクを修理する途中バッグが動きだし中から声がするのを見つけ不審感がぬぐえなくなったフランクはついに自分に課したルール「荷の中身は見ない」を破り バッグを開けてしまうと中からはアジア人の美女があわられるのだった。
The Taste of Others
Visual Effects
Unpolished and ultra-pragmatic industrialist Jean-Jacques Castella reluctantly attends Racine's tragedy "Berenice" in order to see his niece play a bit part. He is taken with the play's strangely familiar-looking leading lady Clara Devaux. During the course of the show, Castella soon remembers that he once hired and then promptly fired the actress as an English language tutor. He immediately goes out and signs up for language lessons. Thinking that he is nothing but an ill-tempered philistine with bad taste, Clara rejects him until Castella charms her off her feet.
Visual Effects
Visual Effects
Visual Effects
Swaying between pleasure and despair, Elric throws himself into his pathological passion for the casino. Meeting Suzie could have saved him, but the young woman also sinks into gambling hell. The couple then start getting involved in the fearsome world of professional cheaters.
Visual Effects
Claude Massoulier is murdered while hunting at the same place as Julien Vercel, an estate agent who knew him and whose fingerprints are found on Massoulier's car. As the police discover that Marie-Christine Vercel, Julien's wife, was Massoulier's mistress, Julien is the prime suspect. But his secretary, Barbara Becker, while not quite convinced he is innocent, defends him and leads her private investigations.