University student Keisuke returns to his hometown during his summer holiday and takes a part-time job at a run-down movie theater. However, his boss Ruka, a projectionist who lives on the premises, has not set foot outside in three years, and always falls into a deep depression on Mondays. Keisuke feels himself becoming attracted to the mysterious Ruka, but...
37 year old sales manager Iwatsu is so caught up in work, he's unable to truly live his life. One night while looking at his graduation album on his phone, he receives a sudden call from a girl named Kana. He's taken to his hometown Kobe, where he lived as a teenager. Slowly, by way of Kana, Iwatsu's past is resuscitated.
Izumi is an office lady who lives with her boyfriend, Hiromi, whose illness prevents him from work. One day, Izumi's company undergoes a restructuring. Without telling Hiromi, Izumi begins to hunt for a new job, with little success. Without knowing the torubles placed on Izumi, Hiromi says that he wants to eat a high grade type of melon. For Hiromi's sake, Izumi runs about trying to procure it.
Izumi is an office lady who lives with her boyfriend, Hiromi, whose illness prevents him from work. One day, Izumi's company undergoes a restructuring. Without telling Hiromi, Izumi begins to hunt for a new job, with little success. Without knowing the torubles placed on Izumi, Hiromi says that he wants to eat a high grade type of melon. For Hiromi's sake, Izumi runs about trying to procure it.
Original Music Composer
When a pastry chef is undergoing a slump and cannot consistently make the store's trademark cherry pie anymore, she begins practicing after hours. Nothing works however. One night she receives a call at the store from a cherry orchard owner who used to be the shop's supplier. The supplier has something he wants to return.
Original Music Composer
The fourth chapter in the Love Cinema series, is a story of a cloistered and obsessive character who is confining and closed. When many suicides occur in an apartment building the police are by to question a female resident.
Kizaki, who moved to Tokyo from the Kansai region to become a manga artist, is assigned to work at a used electrical appliance store where he works part-time as a store keeper and repairman. One day, a woman comes to the store drenched from the rain. She is Setsuko, the only daughter of the store's president and a returnee. Since then, Setsuko often comes to the store. Kizaki becomes concerned about Setsuko, but Setsuko has something to do with Oshi, a senior who used to work at the store...