1969年、原宿のセントラルアパートに"若松プロダクション"はあった。当時33歳の若松孝二が作り出すピンク映画は若者たちを熱狂させ、時代の先端を駆け抜けていた。 21歳で"若松プロダクション"の門を叩いた吉積めぐみの目を通して、若松孝二と共に映画、青春、そして恋、なにもかもが危うくきらめいていた一瞬の時を描く、青春群像劇! 2012年10月17日の若松孝二監督逝去から6年。いまや日本映画界を牽引する俊英白石和彌が、師匠若松孝二が時代と共に駆け抜けた若き日を描きだす。白石監督自ら「映画を 武器に戦ってきた若松さんの声をもう一度聞きたい」と企画した本作『止められるか、俺たちを』は、記念すべき若松プロダクション映画製作再始動第一弾となる。 主演は門脇麦、若松プロダクション助監督・吉積めぐみ役を熱演。そして若松孝二役は若松組常連・井浦新。 こんな若松プロ、こんな青春、誰も観たことない———
“Hana-Dama”—a flower in the wasteland. This flower is a symbol of earthly desires and every human is overwhelmed by desire and their rationality collapses wherever the flower is in bloom. And even today, the “Hana-Dama” continues to blossom profusely somewhere in the world. The story is set in a film theater, the facility keeps on closing one after another during recent years. The last day has come to a film theater which has been maintained by a film-loving owner, the staff, and their unique audiences. The symbol of human desire, “Hana-Dama,” blossoms at the theater and instigates people’s erratic behavior. Upon facing its closure, tremendous chaos that will be noted in the history of Japanese film takes place within this film theater.
Transfer student Mizuki is bullied mercilessly by her classmate. Nevertheless, she is always able to maintain her composure. Kirie, who is also bullied, becomes interested in Mizuki and longs for her. The two become close.
Through philosophical and science themed imagination, Emile questions everything from his teenage years to adult life.
The girl crosses the bridge and opens the door to adulthood. Saki, a lonely girl who lives with her father in New York, where she never wanted to come. On the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge, which she was not allowed to cross, she met people who were following their dreams, and fell in love for the first time.
Shinko (Karin Aiba) is a high school student from Hamamatsu. Due to university admission pressures, she struggles with her mother. She hasn't really made conversation with her mom in a year. Shinko's friend Misato (Mayuu Kusakari) then recommends to her to join the school's calligraphy club. Shinko is impressed by Teacher Yatsushiro's (Kazuki Namioka) words. Teacher Yatsushiro is the one who takes care of the calligraphy club. Shinko decides to join the calligraphy club.
A timid young woman who lives with her domineering mother accepts an Adult Video scout's offer to "become somebody else" by performing in porn videos. As she rises in popularity, the boundaries between her two lives begin to disintegrate.
Tsuruoka Itto, unmarried at 32 years old, just started a job as the janitor at an all-girls' high school, where he's found the girl he's sure he's going to marry, Asahimura Sayaka. When he hears a scream out behind the school one day, he finds Sayaka-chan fretting about a frog inside her clothes, a problem compounded by her frog allergy which soon causes her to faint. Neither the teacher on the scene nor Sayaka's friend will touch the exotic-looking pink frog for fear of poison, which leaves Itto to put his body on the line to save Sayaka-chan. When he finally manages to fish out the frog, it's latched onto a cut on his finger and sucking his blood. Itto in turn soon faints from blood loss, and when he wakes up, he's going to find himself a whole new man...